Which laptop is better ?


Jan 5, 2012
which of this laptop is better



the main purpose of the laptop will be to run development ides ( Eclipse , visual studio )
and Databases ( Sql server and maybe oracle) but i also plan to using it for low gaming
so which do you recommend the i3 whit GeForce GT 520M or the i5 with HD 3000
i'm open to hear others recommendation from $500 to $550
i3. i5 and A8-3500 are good choices--and you can get
laptop with those for as little as 400-500 range on sale
(maybe 600 for i5).

Choosing which one depends on your need. i3 is a slightly
faster cpu processor than A8 --despite the quad processor-
but will not matter much except for highly cpu
intensive tasks (such as video processing, perhaps
heavy Database and Visual studio efforts, etc.) i5 is
of course somewhat faster.

However, if your interest is games, the A8-3500 is about twice
the fps as i3 (with the onboard Intel 3000 graphics processor)
(see all the comparisons). While the A8 will not do VERY well
on the latest games, it is halfway decent in medium res/effects
in many.

(my $499/on-sale Gateway NV55S05u A8-3500 6GB/640GB HD
laptop plays Skyrim at 20 fps at the laptop's native res (1366x768)
with medium effects (8 samples in AA/Anis, High in Texture, Shadow,
Decal, Distance, Medium in Radial and FXAA off).
The i5 also has turbo so you should account for that too when comparing vs an i3. There is a difference between cpu intensive and if it is multithreaded. Those development software are multithreaded and regardless of number of cores, the i3/i5 beat the a8 in any cpu task. But the a8 will win in gaming with the better gpu. Although it's not twice the fps, it's more like 50%. http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/a8-3500m-llano-apu,2959-17.html The i5 is a good amount faster if you're main concern is development. The hd3000 is still good enough for low end gaming.

...Just noticed this was a month old, the op most likely already made a decision but the info is good for anyone searching now.