Which laptop should I choose?


Dec 25, 2015
I use it for gaming purpose

core i7-4720MQ gtx950m 2g vram 1TB

core I5-4210HQ gtx960m 2g vram 1TB plus 128g SSD

core i5-6300HQ gtx960m 2g vram 1TB

and there's also Lenovo Y50 with gtx 860m and 16gb RAM.

The i5-6300HQ is a quad core CPU while the i5-4210H (no such thing as an i5-4210HQ) is a dual core CPU. Games that can take advantage of more than 2 core will do better with the i5-6300HQ.

You can always upgrade a HDD with a SSD later on. You cannot upgrade those CPUs since they are soldered into the motherboard.
Have you considered buying a boutique brand laptop? I bought a cyberpower not long ago. Has a socket cpu(replaceable). Has the graphics on a card(replaceable). I spent a few bucks more upfront(maybe 100 or so, I got it on sale with a giftcard as well), but I can pull the parts out, sell them, and put in the parts I want. I could have ordered the laptop with the parts I want, but the price difference is pretty big, between what I'm doing and having them put in in the first place. The CPU in particular is a major difference. I'm going to put a 4940mx in mine, which would have cost 800 bucks more than the 4200m I bought, I can sell the 4200m for aprox 150-175, and replace it with a 4940mx for aprox 475. I've already upgraded the ram and added a SSD. Plus you get to tinker and learn about a laptop, which is something I wanted to do anyways.:)
Make sure your video can run 1080 well, as that is the resolution of the display, right?
Looking at the specs(what I did), I figured roughly desktop 960 performance was needed to run 1080 well. That means a 965m is the comparable mobile graphics setup. Mobile runs slower and has less resources. Buy the fastest graphics you can, and think about upgrading the graphics in 2 years.