Which laptop should I get?


May 2, 2011
So I'm going to be entering college next month as a computer science major, but I can't decide which computer to get. I am leaning towards the Apple franchise because of it's reliability and performance. But I'm not sure if I should get the i5 or i7. I'm not going to be gaming much or even at all but don't want the performance to slack while multitasking. I'll be bringing a 17 inch monitor to school so I'm going to get the 13'inch, in order to save money.
If you want to buy a laptop for life time then just go through Apple MacBook . It is costly but have a brand name . other wise you go through HP or Dell.
The size of the screen doesn't affect the size of the workspace. Only the resolution of the screen does. I.e : A 1366x768 on 14" will have the same workspace as a 1366x768 on 15.6".