Which one for a new portable?

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Apr 3, 2015
hey guys so i have a budget of 400 would like to keep around 350 though. I have been looking at some 2 in 1's these are what i have come up with

Switch 10:http://www.amazon.com/Acer-Aspire-SW5-012-15XE-Net-tablet-NT-L4TAA-022/dp/B00U1JMSKK/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1437615648&sr=1-1&keywords=sw5-012-15xe&pebp=1437615663448&perid=0PH6JESYZJFRCWMNZ521

Toshiba Satellite Radius 11: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00REWQNXK?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=ox_sc_act_title_1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER

Please i need some advice on which to get I am leaning towards the Toshiba instead of the switch.

All i really will be doing is writing screenplays for comics and surfing web with some light photo editing. The is a on the go laptop only for me as well.
The Toshiba is the better laptop. It has a more powerful CPU (though both laptops use Bay Trail Atom CPUs) and it has a SSD drive. The Switch has 32GB of solid state storage, but it is eMMC not SSD so that means it is only about as fast as a typical hard drive.
The Toshiba is the better laptop. It has a more powerful CPU (though both laptops use Bay Trail Atom CPUs) and it has a SSD drive. The Switch has 32GB of solid state storage, but it is eMMC not SSD so that means it is only about as fast as a typical hard drive.
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