PowerVR SGX544 is the best of all u've mentioned and the reasons are below:[/b]
SGX544 is capable of exceeding both OpenGL ES 2.0 and DirectX9_3 requirements, making it ideal for tablets, computing devices and smartphones.
PowerVR SGX544 can enable customers to support popular APIs such as OpenGL ES 2.0, DirectX9_3, desktop OpenGL 2.1 (including X11 integration with DRI2, EXA and DRM support), and OpenCL 1.1 Embedded Profile.
Not only that, but we have recently pushed the boundary for all existing PowerVR Series5XT GPUs with a new series of API extensions which include OpenGL ES 3.0 features like MRTs, occlusion queries, seamless cube maps, sampler access from vertex shaders, floating point textures, GLSL full-precision floating point, R and RG textures, min/max blends, and multisample render buffers.
Developers targeting current generation platforms will be able to take advantage of PowerVR SGX544’s advanced texture support. Alongside widely adopted texture compression standards like ETC, ETC2, PVRTC and DXTn, all Series5XT and Series6 GPUs support Imagination’s PVRTC2 format. This recently updated texture compression standard adds a wide range of new features including:
improved image quality, especially for textures with high contrast, large areas of significant colour discontinuity, or boundaries of non-tiling textures
better support for pre-multiplied textures
support for arbitrary sized NPOT (Non Power Of Two) textures