Which one should I choose between these two laptops, asus x555ld & dell 3542?


Oct 10, 2015
the differences between these two are that the asus one has a 5th gen i5 cpu and the dell one consists of a 4th gen (5200U & 4210U) and the capacity of asus's hdd is twice the dell's one. other specs; 4GB ram, Nvidia GT820 graphics

Thanks for your answer.Asus one is about $50 more expensive than the dell one. I want to know whether the extra amount I pay would be worthwhile when comparing the performance of these two cpus. Also I would prefer the one with the best quality & reliability.

The Asus one has a higher geneeration i5 cpu than the dell one thus meaning that you will get reliability, better battery life and faster speeds.

Although there wouldn't be a noticeable difference between the CPU's, it's nice to boast that you have a 5th generation CPU

Many thanks, :bounce: