which phone out of the following?



Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

VZW is replacing my funky working 4400 for one of the following of my

Sammy 670
Sammy 610

Any thoughts on any of these phones?




Disclaimer: Spelling & grammar errors are made on purpose for those who are
fulfilled by correcting others.
Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

"Jesse Hand" <no.spam@for.me> wrote in message
> VZW is replacing my funky working 4400 for one of the following of my
> choice:
> VOX8900
> Sammy 670
> Sammy 610

The Audiovox is the only trimode of the 3 you've listed, but I
believe the quality of the Samsungs is better. I have the SCH a610, and
it's an awesome phone. It's straight digital, but I don't have any issues
with analog non-coverage. The sound quality is good, the picture quality is
good, the size is fairly large for current phones but it also has a sturdy
feel. I also like the large display screen. You pay your money and take
your choice, my vote is for the a610.