Which tablet ?


Nov 11, 2011
There is an offer I can take, paying a standard amount for 24 moths.. Which one would you choose ?

Asus EEE Pad TF101-1B100
for 18,5 euro

Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1
for 22,5 euro

LG Optimus Pad LV900
for 26,5 euro

which one gives better experience & is there any of these that proved to be buggy ?
Galaxy Tab is it!
Very slim pad with good screen and better things compared to the other two.
The 3D LG model is has just no realism at all in terms of screen quality.

But I would advice you to stay away from tablets for now and get the upcoming quadcore (kael processors) tablets. ASUS and ACER has already confirmed their models will be released on december 2011.

Good luck!