White House To Announce Smart Grid Initiative

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Nov 22, 2010
My guess would be Google since they have been far more active with smart grids then the other 2. Especially in Canada.


Nov 4, 2010
Knowing this Marxist/Socialist regime they will want smart a thermostat in your house so big brother can monitor you and remotely control it.


Jun 22, 2006
Wonder why they don't just leave it in the hands of the energy companies that are already doing this? Would think they would be more inclined to make something that works and is economically viable. I know that all the major energy companies are already deploying smart grid tech all over.


Nov 3, 2009
[citation][nom]ainarm[/nom]Wonder why they don't just leave it in the hands of the energy companies that are already doing this? Would think they would be more inclined to make something that works and is economically viable. I know that all the major energy companies are already deploying smart grid tech all over.[/citation]

1) You mentioned the first major issue already: a large group of companies is performing an equally large number of initiatives. That won't lead to a single, tightly integrated grid. A collection of small smart grids isn't smart at all, often even less smart than what we have today.

2) A true smart grid with support for future technology isn't on the drawing board of a single utility in the developed world. In the future, you'll use solar energy from the southwest, wind and tidal energy from the coast, biomass from the agricultural states in the central states and nuclear and gas plants spread around the country. Such a grid requires the ability to transport power over long distances, deal with rapid fluctuations in both supply and demand and other issues. Not a big deal and not that costly either, but it takes a national, government coordinated initiative to get it done.

3) Energy companies can be trusted to build the network that's the most profitable in the near future. They don't think on the long term and certainly not about efficiency.


Nov 3, 2009
[citation][nom]ReggieRay[/nom]Knowing this Marxist/Socialist regime they will want smart a thermostat in your house so big brother can monitor you and remotely control it.[/citation]

I don't think you know what a Marxist government looks like. Marx' ideal was a small state, smaller even than the Tea Party wants today. In his opinion, an advanced society didn't even need a government: the people could make up their own minds and stand for themselves. It didn't quite work out that way though... Maybe something 'small state'-fans should keep in mind?

Oh, and a smart grid doesn't control your thermostat. You do. A smart grid only deals with one question: how do we get power from the production site to your doorstep with limited loss and high reliability. If you want to waste power, the smart grid doesn't stop you. I hope your civic pride and sense of duty do however. Or your wallet, that works too.


Dec 16, 2009
A smart grid doesn't control your thermostat nor any of your electronic appliances, but it allows the government to track your energy usage. It is just another form of national security forced upon us by the government. For most people, it doesn't really matter. But for some, it's a real privacy concern. :p


smart grid meters used in friends house in MD have ability to shut of a/c compressors when grid determines it needs to.
ones CMP want to put in maine will use wifi shutoff to disconnect power.

these meters serve no purpose other then measuring and reporting in order to shut off during peak loads thereby making the system look like its up to snuff.


Nov 3, 2009
[citation][nom]milktea[/nom]A smart grid doesn't control your thermostat nor any of your electronic appliances, but it allows the government to track your energy usage. It is just another form of national security forced upon us by the government. For most people, it doesn't really matter. But for some, it's a real privacy concern.[/citation]

1) A smart grid doesn't have to do that. It's handy and can be used for a plethora of positive applications (including analysis of consumption habits in a particular area so demand can be easily adjusted, amongst many others).

2) Your utility keeps that data too. Does that bother you less than the government owning it does? That's odd, companies tend to use data to make a profit from them, the government doesn't. Oh, and how is your privacy breached by knowing how much power you use? If what appliances I use and when I use them were being tracked, okay, that'd bother me a bit. But my total power consumption? I'll post it on the internet if it interests you, nobody can do anything with it anyway...


Nov 3, 2009
[citation][nom]dmacleo[/nom]smart grid meters used in friends house in MD have ability to shut of a/c compressors when grid determines it needs to.ones CMP want to put in maine will use wifi shutoff to disconnect power.these meters serve no purpose other then measuring and reporting in order to shut off during peak loads thereby making the system look like its up to snuff.[/citation]

That's exactly what a smart grid (assuming it's not built by utilities) is hoping to avoid. If a smart grid is built and complemented with increased installed capacity (renewable, please), such issues won't matter anymore.

Oh, and something should be done about current gen AC systems. I've seen several high performance, low power consumption designs, yet most people seem to choose traditional energy wasting designs. Why?


Dec 16, 2009
[citation][nom]Silmarunya[/nom]Does that bother you less than the government owning it does?[/citation]
May I repeat again, this smart grid should "not" be a concern for "most" people. I would guess that includes you?

[citation][nom]Silmarunya[/nom]If what appliances I use and when I use them were being tracked, okay, that'd bother me a bit. But my total power consumption?[/citation]
For now only your total power is tracked. But I hope you don't just think this won't change in the near future. Every appliances might have a power meter with RF chip.

[citation][nom]Silmarunya[/nom]nobody can do anything with it anyway...[/citation]
Thinking simple is good. The world needs more honest people like you. :)

mister g

Mar 6, 2010
[citation][nom]ReggieRay[/nom]Knowing this Marxist/Socialist regime they will want smart a thermostat in your house so big brother can monitor you and remotely control it.[/citation]
I've been reading most of your comments in other posts and a common trend I see is the fact that really, you hate the current administration. I'm not going to say post somewhere else cuz you're free to do it wherever you like but please if you're going to rant about anything please back it up.


In smart grid each electrical appliance will have an IPV6 public IP number.Then smart governance comes in. Then each person will have an IP number through a smart phone or something else. Technological Advancements are taking away peoples freedom and privacy.


Jan 21, 2008
A "Smart Grid" isn't about utility companies controlling *distribution* as one would typically understand the term.

It's about controlling *usage* . . . whether by who gets to use it (ie, distribution), the absolute quantity available to a specific user, the time(s) of day when it is available to that specific user, the purpose for which that user is permitted access (ie, which appliance), and of course the cost to that user for that each specific kwh consumed.


May 13, 2011
Smart grid is mainly on the transmission level as opposed to the distribution level. Basically it involves implementing "new" metering technologies that have been in research for the last decade to enable feedback control within the operation of the grid. The idea is to increase the reliability of the transmission grid so that the grid can be run at lower operation costs.

Of course there is also the issue of including renewable generation capacity into the traditional capacity, which drastically lowers the reliability of the grid. The said metering technologies will theoretically help with this as well.


May 13, 2011
The majority of the funding will go to new implementations at the substation level, as opposed to your house. The ignorance in some of the comments in this thread is astounding.


i dont know why every1 is so against obama, if you people ACTUALY get proper info, not the half truths you get on the radio etc...

you will see that obama has done many great things since he has been elected. but there is no point in saying everyday well obama did this succesfully, and obama did that sucesfully. that would be idiotic.

so as press always has been and forever will be, its all about the failures/shocks/stories that would affect your judgement.

no i dont live in america, i live in south africa im a prejudice racist yet i will shake obama hand anyday and congratulate him. if you people want to see a country with failure of government look at my country. atleast once a month theres a corrupt government official. then they spend BILLIONS on renaming streets cuz when the word is in english its racist, but once its a khosa(which only our blacks understand) then its not racist anymore?

so please stop saying obama doesnt know what he is doing, for you are just a small media sheep, that gets little information no matter how obscure it is you will believe its the truth.

hence i always encourage people to read about something from multiple sources, cnn,sky, google, wiki, forums, newspapers, radio, internet. the more sources you have for information the easier you would be able to see a false storie and also you will find alot of interesting news that wasnt affected by the main media shepard.

sorry about long comment, but i had to get that off my chest so that these people can atleast stop for 2 seconds and think for themselves.
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