OK... sure, grab two high-priced and 'feature-rich', but otherwise normal cell phones, call them smart phones, and start trashing them for not being comparable to PDAs? Seriously, I would say that it is just this article, but this kind of stuff is starting to be common with THG. For example, this article was hilarious:

Throughout the entire article they were mentioning how "Thecus could come out with one with network functionality". Um... hello? They already did! And no, it wasn't even implemented the way you said it would be. Did you even check Thecus's site before posting? No... apparently not.
Likewise, the author of this article didn't even seem to know what a real smart phone is. For that matter, the previous poster didn't really know either, and said this:
"Smart Phones are actually phones with decent PDA fuctionality, but without the large keyboard or oversized screen."
No, also not true. The ones with smaller screnes and standard phone keyboards are just crippled smart phones. Sure the Cingular 2125 is a decent phone and all, but I wouldn't compare it to a SOLID smart phone, that actually has a good screen and keyboard, but is not strictly a PDA phone.
If you want a good smart phone... well, a couple people here have already mentioned the Motorola MPx220. That's great. Personally, however, I prefer the T-Mobile MDA, I-Mate K-Jam, etc etc. It is a phone that is sold by several different vendors, but here is a URL for it:
Likewise, the Nokia's 9xxx series is great too. The trick is making a good phone and HIDING the keyboard, while still providing a large screen, and a lot of great smart phones do that, while also providing things like memory slots and all.
Please THG, start doing basic research, like checking manufacturer sites, before writing these articles? Had the author checked out Motorola's site, they would have seen what a real smart phone was. Had the author of that other article gone to Thecus's site, they would have seen what their networked 2HD device was. This is just embarrassing.