why do HP laptops take so long toboot vista?


Dec 1, 2004
i have been looking at HP laptops lately with vista home premium and i have noticed that thy are very slow to boot. i have tried rebooting several of them in the stores and i even have some friends that have them and they are all the same. the boot process seems fairly normal until you get to the point where the vista logo (the small blue circle) shows up in the center of the screen. at that point it cuts to a black screen and just sits there for probably at least 20 seconds befre the desktop loads.

does anybody knwo whts up with that?
well i tried soem sony's and some toshbas in the store and they seemed to boot faster. the key is that the firt part of the boot is pretty much the same, its just that on the hp's after you see the blue circle vista logo on the screen it then cuts to the black screen for several seconds - thats where the big delay is. it only seems to happen on hp's.
i cant really give any specific specs because it was literally on every hp that i saw in the stores. i am thinking it has to be some of the fluff software installed on it but i just am not sure which piece of software might be causing it.

no it's happening in mi ASUS F3JC Laptop also it's annoying
This is happening because unlike windows xp which lets you use your desktop right away vista waits till all startup programs and services are running. This probably explains, also because HP preinstalls more startup crap than any other laptop manufacturer