Question Why does my phone not finish Extracting Software on iTunes?

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Mar 26, 2020
So my phone has been stuck in Recovery Mode for quite some time. But every time I open iTunes and try to go through the process where I can Update or Restore, my serial number suddenly becomes unreadable or 'non-applicable' and the entire buffering stops. In fact, it buffers to the very end with 'Downloading Firmware' and seems as though it has an inch left. What would be the reasons behind this, such as why it can't extract the software. Has my phone slipped into a state where iTunes can't read it? Thanks a lot for those who answer!
Hi! I have tried all of the online services to boot my phone out of Recovery Mode and I am starting to wonder if it is a hardware problem rather than a software one. Would replacing or reprogramming NAND boot my iPhone out of Recovery Mode?
Hi! My iPhone X has been stuck in a loop in Recovery Mode. I have researched many different methods to get out of it rather than be forced to restore and lose my data. Would replacing the Logic Board be a possible solution to this problem while being able to keep my data? Thank you so much!
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