Question Why does my Turtle Beach Elite Pro Mic work on everything but my PC?

Jun 4, 2020
Howdy there. I have the Turtle Beach Elite Pro headphones with the Tactical Audio Control (TAC). As far as quality is concerned they work amazing so far but there is an issue with the mic.

On PC unless the mic is right up against my lips and i shout it doesn't pick up anything i say which is annoying when attempting to communicate. I've tried using my headphones on other devices; PS4, PS3, mobile, XBOX One and an iPad. On all these devices the mic is crystal clear and can pick up my voice even if i'm downstairs. Yet for some reason on PC it's as if my mic doesn't work.
I've tried plugging them in to different USB slots on my PC.
I've made sure ALL drivers on my PC and headphones are up to date.
I've checked to see if the hardware is damaged (both PC and headphones).
I contacted Turtle Beach support and they don't know whats wrong.
So far the only way to communicate is if i go on discord on my phone and connect my phone to the TAC controller via an AUX cord but this only lasts until my Phone dies as if i charge it while on discord i get an annoying feedback.

I'd prefer not to get rid of my headphones as the sound is great and the mic does work on other devices so if anyone is able to help you'll be greatly appreciated.
On a side note, one of my mates told me my NAT type might affect it as my NAT is normally strict. Could this be the case?
did you set the switch at the back of the TAC to PC?

Did you install the audio hub?

Try raising the level of the MIC in windows sounds settings

connect the turtle via 3.5" headphone mic splitter cable, without the TAC
Hey. The Switch on the back was already on PC, just to make sure i changed the switch then put it back on PC.
I already installed the Audio Hub and there wasn't any new updates.
The Mic level in settings is already at Max.
And i tried connecting the Headphones without the TAC, still getting the same problem.
UPDATE: I found a splitter which works so now I can use the headphones by themselves.
Could there be an issue with the TAC controller?

Can you link me to the splitter please? I've got similar headphones (Turtle Beach Elite Pro) but it's got a simple aux cable with a TRS jack, no TAC, and I can't get the microphone to work on my Xbox or PC, only on my phone so I know the microphone works.

I feel like I've tried everything else, including other splitters.