Hello folks...I'm pretty new to Video editing, but I have been reading every article I can on the subject. Right now I'm using VirtualDub to capture with my Leadtek winfastTV 2000 XP. When I capture I don't use any compression. I tried capturing in Huffy but the quality degraded too much. After capture, I play the AVI file and it looks great. However, when I convert it to MPEG for VCD it comes out blocky. It still looks OK, but if you unfocus your eyes on the details of the picture you can see that the video looks like its divided into a large gid of blocks. What is causing this? Is it my compression software (Ulead studio6), or is it something that is inherent to MPEG? Any advice or links would be appreciated.
The only way France is going in is if we tell them we've discovered truffles in Iraq. -Dennis Miller
The only way France is going in is if we tell them we've discovered truffles in Iraq. -Dennis Miller