I don't know if that will interrest somebody else, but if it can help one, that's good.
Thank to some contact, I just got the opportunity to try the new Studio10 from Pinnacle. I started using V.8 I got with my AIW9600xt and later, V.9 that is offered with the AIWx600. While there is reports that blame many instability issues, both has been running good. Sure enough, I got the latest patch for all.
First, if you don't know what is Studio, I suggest to go at pinnacle web site and learn a bit about it at <A HREF="http
/www.pinnaclesys.com" target="_new">http
Ok, first thing to know before using Studio, you need a rock stable computer. Video editing is very memory and HDD intensive, so the smallest glitch in one of those subsystem can lead to crash or bug. The computer Studio10 was tested on is mine. A64 3000+ Win. core on a Gigabyte K8NF-9 motherboard with F2 BIOS and 1 gigs of RAM, Corsair TwinX 3200. Using XP with SP2, with nvidia RAID driver, installed on 2 Seagates 160 SATA HDD set as RAID0. I did not use the AIW, but rather a x600xt with an Asus capture/tv/fm PCI card and ondboard sound(for now). To me, this is only a good system for editing and while leeser computer can do, you'll have to expect slower rendering and a less responsive overall feel. A faster CPU, 1gig more RAM and faster HDD like the Raptors should give something faster. But I'm satisfied with my system for what I do.
The first thing to do, after installing Studio10, is to get the latest update. this will correct many bug and make the application to load faster. Because, even with the update, the loading time is not that fastest I've seen ... And be sure to turn off your firewall, or accept the use of the network. S10 use proxy for the rendering since it is based on Pinnacle liquid edition, a professional video editing apps. You don't have to be connected to internet, Studio10 and render manager need network access. If the firewall block them, it won't work.
The application will lest you capture, edit and create the movie. You can either create a file, a disk or outputting to tape. I always create a mpeg file to use with DVD creation apps. S10 has DVD creation capability, but I rather not use them.
Capturing is pretty easy. just select the source (can be composite in, TV tuner or s-video), then choose a format you'll want to have the file saved as and where you want to capture. You'll like to have a fast HDD here to avoid dropped frames.
Once done, S10 can auto detect scene. I love this feature. When you are inputting a home movie filmed with an analog camera, al the cuts are detected and marked. you can then only select the good scene from the one that has some kind of lines or scrambling. You can even fine tune single scene for entry and exit point.
One the clean scenes brought to the timeline, and the movie assembled, you can add title, transition, voice track... to make the final production. Then, the create movie screen let you create the whole file (or dvd, according what you choose).
Rendering time can be long enough. I rather save teh project, and start another and then, let the projects render when I don't need my computer.
In the use, V10 have been pretty stable to me. Only a few bug haunted me. The worst being one that make my audio track to dissapear. I have to rename the mpeg file to something else, bring it bac in the editor, clear it, rename it to the original one to be used with the project and hopefully sound is back. And sometime, the scene selector revert back to page one when selecting scene at any other page. I had to go thru the page until I reach the point I was.
Editing could be more responsive. There is some sluggishness you can feel when doing some action. And sometime, you have to stop to wait for the program to come back, as it is like you over speed it.
Will I consider getting it and using it? Well, I don't know for yet. My studio 9 is very nice and feels faster than this one. I don't have the bug I got with V10 and the rendering time seem to be almost the same. Studio 9, with all the update is a very solid product, and paly very nice with the AIWx600. Someone that consider doing some editing should really consider this combo. And nice enough, it is not tightened to ATI hardware. So, if you AIW end up in a less powerfull media center PC, you can always get a capture card to keep working with you more powerfull PC.
To this point, I would give Studio 9 with all the update a note of 9 out of 10 and a note of 7 out of 10 for Studio 10.
I will uninstall and give back the software for now. I'll wait for some update and patches and give it a try later. But for now, I think that, even if the program has some potential, it was not quite ready to be released. But, if you have to get one application for some home movie editing, and you have a faily powerful computer, the I would try it. It has potential to be something very good. And I'm sure that the programmers at Pinnacle are working hard on that. I don't know if there is a trial version, like V9 had. You could always check and try it to see if it is for you. To me, I'll keep V9 for some time again.
(=<font color=red><b>˚</b></font color=red>.'=)
(")ώ(") This is my bunny..terminator!!!
Thank to some contact, I just got the opportunity to try the new Studio10 from Pinnacle. I started using V.8 I got with my AIW9600xt and later, V.9 that is offered with the AIWx600. While there is reports that blame many instability issues, both has been running good. Sure enough, I got the latest patch for all.
First, if you don't know what is Studio, I suggest to go at pinnacle web site and learn a bit about it at <A HREF="http

Ok, first thing to know before using Studio, you need a rock stable computer. Video editing is very memory and HDD intensive, so the smallest glitch in one of those subsystem can lead to crash or bug. The computer Studio10 was tested on is mine. A64 3000+ Win. core on a Gigabyte K8NF-9 motherboard with F2 BIOS and 1 gigs of RAM, Corsair TwinX 3200. Using XP with SP2, with nvidia RAID driver, installed on 2 Seagates 160 SATA HDD set as RAID0. I did not use the AIW, but rather a x600xt with an Asus capture/tv/fm PCI card and ondboard sound(for now). To me, this is only a good system for editing and while leeser computer can do, you'll have to expect slower rendering and a less responsive overall feel. A faster CPU, 1gig more RAM and faster HDD like the Raptors should give something faster. But I'm satisfied with my system for what I do.
The first thing to do, after installing Studio10, is to get the latest update. this will correct many bug and make the application to load faster. Because, even with the update, the loading time is not that fastest I've seen ... And be sure to turn off your firewall, or accept the use of the network. S10 use proxy for the rendering since it is based on Pinnacle liquid edition, a professional video editing apps. You don't have to be connected to internet, Studio10 and render manager need network access. If the firewall block them, it won't work.
The application will lest you capture, edit and create the movie. You can either create a file, a disk or outputting to tape. I always create a mpeg file to use with DVD creation apps. S10 has DVD creation capability, but I rather not use them.
Capturing is pretty easy. just select the source (can be composite in, TV tuner or s-video), then choose a format you'll want to have the file saved as and where you want to capture. You'll like to have a fast HDD here to avoid dropped frames.
Once done, S10 can auto detect scene. I love this feature. When you are inputting a home movie filmed with an analog camera, al the cuts are detected and marked. you can then only select the good scene from the one that has some kind of lines or scrambling. You can even fine tune single scene for entry and exit point.
One the clean scenes brought to the timeline, and the movie assembled, you can add title, transition, voice track... to make the final production. Then, the create movie screen let you create the whole file (or dvd, according what you choose).
Rendering time can be long enough. I rather save teh project, and start another and then, let the projects render when I don't need my computer.
In the use, V10 have been pretty stable to me. Only a few bug haunted me. The worst being one that make my audio track to dissapear. I have to rename the mpeg file to something else, bring it bac in the editor, clear it, rename it to the original one to be used with the project and hopefully sound is back. And sometime, the scene selector revert back to page one when selecting scene at any other page. I had to go thru the page until I reach the point I was.
Editing could be more responsive. There is some sluggishness you can feel when doing some action. And sometime, you have to stop to wait for the program to come back, as it is like you over speed it.
Will I consider getting it and using it? Well, I don't know for yet. My studio 9 is very nice and feels faster than this one. I don't have the bug I got with V10 and the rendering time seem to be almost the same. Studio 9, with all the update is a very solid product, and paly very nice with the AIWx600. Someone that consider doing some editing should really consider this combo. And nice enough, it is not tightened to ATI hardware. So, if you AIW end up in a less powerfull media center PC, you can always get a capture card to keep working with you more powerfull PC.
To this point, I would give Studio 9 with all the update a note of 9 out of 10 and a note of 7 out of 10 for Studio 10.
I will uninstall and give back the software for now. I'll wait for some update and patches and give it a try later. But for now, I think that, even if the program has some potential, it was not quite ready to be released. But, if you have to get one application for some home movie editing, and you have a faily powerful computer, the I would try it. It has potential to be something very good. And I'm sure that the programmers at Pinnacle are working hard on that. I don't know if there is a trial version, like V9 had. You could always check and try it to see if it is for you. To me, I'll keep V9 for some time again.
(=<font color=red><b>˚</b></font color=red>.'=)
(")ώ(") This is my bunny..terminator!!!