Solved! why is my external monitor not displaying?

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Oct 17, 2020
anytime i connect my external monitor to any of my device either laptop or desktop it displays and works for about 20mins then goes blank . Normally it.should go to orange indicating maybe vga is not.connected well or has gone bad also maybe the laptop is gone of rather it goes from green to blinking green with the display gone.blank
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Electronics sometimes has thermal problems where a component fails when it warms up. That doesn't necessarily mean the entire unit is overheating but just some component is failing. Is this a very old, big "CRT" type monitor or an LCD monitor?

The kind of problem you are seeing is likely not the screen itself but the driver electronics inside the monitor. Probably time for a repair shop or a new monitor.
Next time that happens, turn off the monitor and give it 30 minutes to cool while the PC remains on. Reconnect the monitor and see if the same problem repeats (works for a while and then goes blank). If it's blank right away, the problem is in the PC electronics most likely. If it works for a while, the problem is in the monitor electronics most likely. You probably can't repair the problem yourself and will need either a PC repair or new monitor. You did try a different cable I assume?
Next time that happens, turn off the monitor and give it 30 minutes to cool while the PC remains on. Reconnect the monitor and see if the same problem repeats (works for a while and then goes blank). If it's blank right away, the problem is in the PC electronics most likely. If it works for a while, the problem is in the monitor electronics most likely. You probably can't repair the problem yourself and will need either a PC repair or new monitor. You did try a different cable I assume?
Yes i did use another vga cable but same problem persists. When you say "cool off", does it mean it gets hot inside the monitor. Could ther be something that needs a.cooling.substance to.suppress the heat like you have on a laptop whereby its processor has a whitish gel that is applied to it to reduce the heat it dissipates....I dont know just thinking wide....i will try the steps you gave and get back to you. Thanks
hi ... i tried out that shutting the monitor for 30 min and putting it.back on. its stable now for about 20 min but the display is basically all white and when the white colour was about to show the scrren had a background full of lines from top to bottom then it became all white.
Voukd it be the screen ? now i am.confused......
Electronics sometimes has thermal problems where a component fails when it warms up. That doesn't necessarily mean the entire unit is overheating but just some component is failing. Is this a very old, big "CRT" type monitor or an LCD monitor?

The kind of problem you are seeing is likely not the screen itself but the driver electronics inside the monitor. Probably time for a repair shop or a new monitor.
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