Why is my laptop's download speed so small even though I have fibre optic and the bandwith has nothing else on it? Every other


Aug 2, 2015
Basically I factory reset my laptop whilst keeping all of my files the other day and since then the internet speed has been miniscule eg: 44kb/s instead of the usual 40mb/s my laptop was running on windows 8.1 but is now back to windows 8 and I am trying to update to windows 8.1 again but it's taking sooooo long for it to download. Also it takes such a long time for me to open up basic webpages for example to google home page.
My specs are;
RAM: 4Gb (3.19 usable)
Hard Drive: 1Tb
OS: Windows 8
Internet Connection: BT infinity (fibre optic, 40mb/s before reset)
Processor: AMD A6-5350M APU with Radeon HD graphics 2.90 GHz
System type: 64 bit OS, x64-based processor
Laptop model: HP Pavilion 15-e097a

Okay that worked, however I can't use the ethernet cable because just to test this I had to hunt for one and it isn't long enough to be anywhere other than right night to the router and because I'm 16 I quite often sit in my room on my laptop not in the living room downstairs...
If the wireless is faulty how could I fix that?
if your getting the speed you need to its not the router/modem its something with your wireless card
try opening cmd and ping and run ipconfig in cmd then post results
it may be a dying wireless card or just a glitch in the system