Why,on my home laptop,every app/game works fine and,on my grandpa's one,they caused the laptop to go unbootable twice already


Aug 4, 2016
Title ^
I'm just curious,because this cause me some issues while trying to play some games and even accesing the internet with Internet Explorer (my grandpa uses IE instead of a modern browser) and made my grandpa's laptop go unbootable twice for no god damn reason.
My home laptop
Lenovo G50-70
4 GB RAM Low-profile 1666 mhz
Intel Pentium 3558 1.7ghz dual core
Intel HD Graphics 4000
Windows 8.1

My grandpa's laptop
Toshiba Satellite M50D-A-10W
4 GB RAM Low-profile 1666mhz
AMD A4-5000 APU 1.5ghz quad core
AMD Radeon HD 8330
Windows 8.1

First time I ran into an issues with my grandpa's laptop,I installed League of Legends (my favorite game atm) but IE became unstable and internet connection didn't work directly on boot-up even the Wi-Fi on the Satellite was working
Second time,I installed GTA San Andreas and SA-MP(I love old school games) and made for some reasons,the PC became unbootable with the "no bootable device" error,even if grandpa's laptop was working perfect the day before,when I played GTA SA.
Third time,I reinstalled LoL and the laptop ran unbootable once again,with the same error as 2nd time.

Any of these things didn't happen on my main laptop and I'm so curious to know what causes the mayhem on my grandpa's laptop,so I can fix it in time,before it happens 4th time...installing a clean copy of Windows everytime the laptop brokes is a pain,because I don't really have that much time free on my hand.

That's the awkard part
Last time I re-installed the OS on my Lenovo was somewhere in April,no problems since then.
Since March (first time I ran into an issue with my grandpa's laptop), I had to re-install the OS 2 times after the first time.
And both laptops have similar ages (one year and 1/2 of the 2nd year my grandpa's and mine just hit one in June)
Both laptops are very low end, and your grandpa's a4 is damn near the lowest CPU on the market.

While you should not be having the level of errors you are having, the fact that is such a low end system with as cheap of hardware as they find to make the price point means that the hardware is struggling to handle it.

There is a difference between a gaming laptop, and a laptop that can kind-of-barley support gaming.

First of all,I come from a not-that-rich country (namely,Romania) and I barely afforded my Lenovo and my grandpa uses his laptop mostly for web browsing ,while I use it for light-gaming (it actually handles games like LoL very well,with an acceptable 70 FPS)
Second of all,I use my own laptop in a more hard-core-ish mode for that low-end CPU and even an iGPU (I forced it to play GTA V in 20-30 FPS,modded with some FPS booster here and there) and I didn't run in any problems.

First of all, I fully understand that not everyone can afford or even has access to high end gaming laptops. That does not change what the laptop is though, which is a bottom end laptop made with cost and not quality in mind.
Bottom line: you have wiped your OS multiple times now and that has not fixed anything, thus the issue is with the hardware which is not easily replaceable (except the memory and HDD). Thus there is really nothing you can do but not use your grandpa's laptop for gaming.