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More info?)
Dave Gower wrote:
> For example, looking at the Sony website, a 50 inch plasma is way more than
> twice the price of a 50 inch LCD projector, is wider and weighs more. And it
> has the burn problem as well. Since the picture quality of the LCD is
> spectacular on HD, I can't imagine the plasma could be noticeably better.
> The newest LCD is plenty bright enough for a normal room. The only
> advantage of the plasma I can see is that it is thinner, but the LCD is only
> a little over a foot thick anyway. Is there something else I'm missing?
The Sony LCD RP (Rear Projection) TVs are pretty good. But the plasma
offers over the LCD RPTV: no motion smear, better black levels, wider
viewing angle with no sweet spot limitations, more vivid looking through
a window effect picture, no $250 to $400 bulb to replace every few years
(assuming 4000 to 6000 hours per bulb before it gets too dim to use).
Con: burn-in is a concern, but the newer generation plasmas from the
Japanese brands (and presumably the others are catching up) are much
improved in this area. Most of those who have a plasma for 2 to 3 years
report that burn-in has not been a problem, but they took care to avoid
putting a frozen image on the screen for many hours on end. If playing
computer games on the TV is going to be the main use, then either the
new 7 gen Panasonic plasmas, direct view LCD, or LCD or DLP RP TV are
the better choices. CRT RPTV are most definitely prone to burn-in.
I assume you are looking the weight specs for the Sony 50XS955 which
is an excellent plasma set, but the XS955 series are on the heavy side
for plasma TVs. The XS955 models have a built-in subwoofer on the back
which adds to the total weight. However the Sony are not designed to be
lightweight plasmas, for example the 50" Pioneer 5040 is much lighter at
83 lbs with an external AVC box.
I have spent way too time much since January of this year researching
which HD TV to get, learning about the tradeoffs between the various
display technology and brands, and waiting for prices to fall. I just
ordered a Panasonic 7UY 42" commercial plasma as I have an audio/video
receiver setup & cable and don't need all the connectors & built-in
Alan Figgatt