[citation][nom]NightLight[/nom]sigh... they give those things away with a box of cereal these days....[/citation][citation][nom]Cirdecus[/nom]First of all, i'm not on the fox news bandwagon. Secondly, the documents were stolen, which is a crime. Believe it or not, in order for a government to function, especially in terms of national security and wartime, it cannot be 100% transparent to the entire world. This would be like asking poker players to play a game of high stakes poker with an open hand. It doesn't work, period. These communication documents contained the same kind of sensitive information that should not fall into the hands of extremists. Granted, there were many other documents that showed crimes and torture that should have come to light, but not at the expensive of released every document.If you think 100% transparency would work, then you obviously have no idea what national security means. If you have such a bleeding heart for those being mistreated by government, then you're probably liberally blinded to the realities of modern governance.[/citation]
I think you hv got it wrong.
Wikileaks has never released any document which can be a threat to a national security. You should note that even Wiki has been discrete too.
National security does not mean telling lies. You are not able to digest wikileaks like most of us as we all have become so much habitual to listen what we want to listen and so if something other then this comes up we cry. We are Ok as long as normal media reports about day to day scams etc, but when something comes up in front of us which can change our entire view point towards the media and the system itself then we are not comfortable with it.
I will not talk about any particular incidence but just look at the world we live in, the wars we face in different parts of the planets etc. Don't you think they can not be avoided at all,,,,, and do u and I mean do you really believe they are being fought for the same reason we are told they are being fought for. This is just one exmple.. Tday the world comunciation is getting so much affected by the source itself it reminds of a recent game "Mirror's Edge".
I can agree that not all of us can handle the plain raw truth,,, BUT THEN THIS IS OUR FAULT... do not critize someone or something which is bringing it to us.
I am not sure by doing this Wikileask is adding to the world peace or not.. but it is definitely the correct thing to do. You can get peace by staying quite as well... but do you really call it a peace.