will all the players?

Go to <A HREF="http://www.dvdrhelp.com" target="_new">http://www.dvdrhelp.com</A>, and click on the left side "dvd players".

Then scroll through the list.

Personally, I like the Apex 5131's. They run about $80 down at Sam's, and hammer away at a lot of stuff. Mpeg1/2 iso's, mp3's, vcd and svcd and xsvcd at 8meg/sec bit rates.

They don't do progressive, though. But for NTSC, I really can't tell much difference anyways. If you get artifacts, either return the player or clean your dvd; they are just IDE drives with decoders, pretty much.

There are a few other good drives. Your best bet is to go down to your local stores with a pen and paper, and write down model numbers. Then look them up on that website. You can also pick a model, and order it off the web.

"I personally think filesystems should be rewritten from scratch every 5 years..." --- Hans Reiser