Solved! Will buying ONLY a new screen fix my laptop?

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Mar 5, 2018
I have this laptop a friend gave me and it's already not worth THAT much but he wants me to fix it. Ive never replaced a screen before but I'm confident I'll figure it out. What I'm not sure on is if replacing the screen is the ONLY thing I need to do to fix on it. I hooked up a second monitor to the side and it finds it/switches over to it when I tell it to just fine, but my friend doesn't want to have to rely on a second monitor. I'm only asking this because the screen is a $50 investment, and I don't want to buy a new motherboard too if the screen doesn't work. Lemme know if you can tell that the screen would fix it entirely or if you need more information/pics. The laptop is an Inspiron N5050. The screen does not appear to have any scratches on it/cracks which is the odd part.

Here's what it looks like right now:

And here's what I'm looking at buying-😛f:0

I've also tried some of those tricks on youtube and the don't appear to work for me.
if that screen got to this state on its own (no toying with EDID, no extra force during screen cleaning) then it could be either screen itself or GPU lvds output or lvds cable

So buy a new lvds cable and just replace that and see if it fixes it? I know for a fact they didn't open anything up on the inside and mess with it.
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