Will the New CompUSA Retail Stores Survive?

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wow... you tried to return an item beyond the 30-day return policy and were upset that they actually enforced it?

As much as I hated the old ChompUSA I wouldn't have a problem with them enforcing a policy that everyone knows about.

What a whiner.

Why would they bother to buy CompUSA? It's a brand that is universally recognized as the worst in brick and mortar computer stores. That's like GM buying the Yugo brand and using.

Second, as many have mentioned, Tigerdirect is one of the crappiest online retailers. Poor website design, high prices, zealous use of mail-in-rebates, etc. Since I haven't seen one of these new CompUSA's, San Gabriel valley here in So Cal, I'm assuming that they are sticking to the areas where there is little or no competition. The old CompUSA in my area is now a Circuit City. Talk about dissapointment.

In my area I use Frys for all my computer needs. The prices are fairly close to online and the selection is fairly good.
I was pissed at CompUSA when they took over GoodGuys... and then seriously pissed when they went bust and closed up shop. The extended warranty that I paid for my fancy camcorder became worthless.
I completely agree with f00bar12's comments. Exactly on the nose! I recently had to work at a full-time retail job to make ends meet and I can completely relate to workers who would like to get out a reasonable hour.

The so-called 9'o clock rule can be bent occasionally if you had enough wits to come to the store 30 min before closing and didn't get the service that you needed. It's not meant for the lazy slackjaw retards that scramble into the store 5 min before closing knowing damn well that the store is about to close and think they have 30 minutes to stroll around and shop. Whisky Tango Foxtrot man. Do you expect the world to cater for you? Go shop at a 7-11 store if you prefer not be rushed with no time restrictions. The hours posted on the door are there for a reason.
[citation][nom]Gman23[/nom]Im sorry my friend your opinions are flat out wrong...[/citation]

[citation]Why not talk to another manager like the GM? ... [/citation]

The conversation started out with a customer service rep who was quite helpful. It was the GM that gave the final no to my request.

[citation] Prices are much higher? Nope there not. [/citation]

I beleive that's what I said. Prices were higher. But now, they're not higher, they're competiitve.

[citation]All of our sales associates except for the cashiers have no attitudes. We are here to make money in our pockets with commission. So we want to be as nice as possible to the customer as possible and try to build a rapport with that person. [/citation]

Again, I said: "The entire shopping experience was refreshingly different from the old CompUSA. Employees were helpful...."

[citation]According to my research our store is pretty much dead all the time... I dont know where they get the money to pay us... [/citation]

I think you need to give that some time. Tiger Direct has the resources to float through many months of slow business if they're determined to make this work.
[citation][nom]lopopo[/nom]The new CompUSA has more goodies than competitors but ....these are the cheap crap that wont sell online (cpu coolers, fans) and their selection is much less than that of their equally crapy website. Honetly TigerDirect.com is horrible. All online vendors should look at their website and compare it to newegg. Getting around, details and the overall of how a website works says something about the company you are giving your money to. TigerDirect tells me they are a mess like their new venture( CompUSA).[/citation]

If you're saying NewEgg has has a better organized website than Tiger Direct, I agree completely. Still, the CompUSA store was much more organized than anything on either the Tiger Direct or CompUSA website.
[citation][nom]az23[/nom]Have you ever worked retail? If so maybe you don't mind waiting 15 minutes of your evening just so some lazy person that waited until the last minute can finish doing whatever they feel like, but plenty of people like myself do. If not then you really have no idea.[/citation]

Yes, I have worked retail, for many years. I always felt it was the customer, not the corporation, that paid my salary, and I never minded staying 15 minutes late. When you're working in sales, selling things is your job, you shouldn't complain about the opportunity to make another sale.

Thats funny,I have had some of the same problems that Tony had only mine were with Best Buy.I once bought a dvd burner from Best Buy and this is when they first came out,so the cost was much higher.Got it home,opened it and the SOB!!! wasnt even a dvd burner.Some turd must have previously bought the same item before me and did alittle switcher rue.They kept the new burner and returned theyre old one.No dout the person that did this makes aliving at doing it.The ahole!!!Needless to say do you thing they beleaved me.LOL!!!So you see everybody has a preference for whatever reason.I still go to Best Buy once in awhile mostly to check out the chicks.lol
I've had similar experiences as the author's with the CompUSA in my area. A really bad selection of merchandise, cranky/rude employees, and uncompetitive prices. This particular CompUSA store that I infrequently shopped was also near a Best Buy. Also, I always felt like I had entered a prison yard when I went that CompUSA, which was in a nice area of my town. There was always a "warden" stationed at the exits eyeing each customer leaving with an accusatory glare... I guess in addition to the magnetic gates that would go off if somebody actually shoplifted something.
[citation][nom]TCeleste[/nom]Yes, I have worked retail, for many years. I always felt it was the customer, not the corporation, that paid my salary, and I never minded staying 15 minutes late. When you're working in sales, selling things is your job, you shouldn't complain about the opportunity to make another sale. [/citation]

LOL, are you serious? you actually think a cashier is gonna be excited about making another sale that wont effect their wages in the least? I agree and am pleased with others standing up and saying how rude it is for people to stay around and shop when the store is closed. Just completely inconsiderate that people do that to the workers who have been busting their butt all day and want to get home to their families.
@ az23: The reason I walk into a store right before close is because that is the only time I have after I finish up at my job. You know, the real kind of job such as one at a corporate office with a big desk and a stock portfolio with numbers higher then you can count. You should be grateful for people coming in last minute and spending money. Without us you would be without a job!

Oh and one other reason: Just to be a prick.
@ az23: The reason I walk into a store right before close is because that is the only time I have after I finish up at my job. You know, the real kind of job such as one at a corporate office with a big desk and a stock portfolio with numbers higher then you can count. You should be grateful for people coming in last minute and spending money. Without us you would be without a job!

Oh and one other reason: Just to be a prick.
I was so HAPPY I wanted to run down to our CompUSA when I heard they were going out of business! I had it out with the store manager several times, and even wrote a letter to the CompUSA headquarters complaining about my store and the manager. Never heard a thing.
First problem was they barricaded the bathrooms off. When I asked why, they said they did not like the public getting them all dirty.
Second complaint was the store would pull the sale laptop off of display. I was in the night before and they had it on display and had more in stock. I then came back Sunday with the new sale and it was gone. It wasn't until I threatened to call the BBB, that they went to the back and came out with it. WHY?
The third was the lack of response from headquarter to my complaint on the bathrooms being blocked off. Why?
I so much wanted to go see the store manager and congratulate him on killing the store and hope he had a good time on the unemployment line.
Thank God we now have a BestBuy and CircuitCity store. I could not care if CompUSA ever came back!
Right on snuggler.I know when it comes quitin time at my job Im ready to get the flock out of there just like most people are,but of course if its something someone needs to get theyre computer up and running I wouldnt have a problem working late and helping them however long it may take,especially if she looks good.hehehe just kidding.I may be wrong but dont comp employes get payed by the hour ?
I've been building/using/programming comps for over 25 years and I can totally relate to the story... Compusa was one of the worst thieving computer stores ever with abysmal service and ludicrous prices (not uncommon to see them markup prices well above list prices). I've seen a reopened store here in Orlando and I'll keep it in mind for emergencies but thats about it. As for Tiger direct they are on the bottom of the heap for me. At any given comparison TD is always more expensive than Newegg or Mwave plus charge higher shipping and of course sales tax for me. Needless to say I don't do biz with TD. I won't even go into the lacking TD website or how far behind they usually are at stocking new items vs Newegg and good luck calling TD for anything on Miami and wanting service from someone that speaks clear English...
I guess it depends on who managed the store near you. I shopped at the Norfolk, Virginia Compusa for years and I've never experienced the problems you did. They had great deals and excellent service. I bought more than 50 laptops for customers in just the last 4 years. And returns were easy and great. I take it you've never returned anything to Best Buy and paid their 15% restocking fee. I avoid Best Buy like the Clap. Talk about no service and rude employees, Best Buy sucks.
Au contrare. CompUSA is no better or worse than most. On the other hand, I have had incredible service problems with Best Buy. I had a catastrophic shopping experience that their 1-800-serviceisajoke number failed to resolve - plus, they are incredibly rude. They couldn't find me in their system and that is after spending some $15,000 per year in gift cards for my employees each Christmas. They have permanently lost my business - and about 40k each year in revenue. I guess they're too big to care.
Being a former employee of a company very similar to Comp USA, I'd just like to say a couple things. Regarding your broken hard drive: Do not expect the retailer to take care of you if your product fails after the specified return policy period. Return policies are typically posted in many places throughout the store, checkout, and on the back of your receipt. Did you at any point consider the obvious solution, to contact the manufacturer of the hard drive?? I would assume their warranty is longer than 30 days. It is the manufacturer's job to support their products, it is the retailers job to make those products available for purchase. Secondly, regarding the "annoying countdowns." Chances are that in the minutes before the store is supposed to close, probably 90% of the employees there are at the end of an 8 or 9 hour shift and are quite exhausted. The store I worked at did not make any announcements when the store was closing, they just turned off some of the lights about 5 minutes after the official closing time. The employees want to go home, and most likely could not care less about making a little commission from one more sale (typically 1-2% of the item's cost) from some inconsiderate customer who came in at the last minute and expects to be met with smiles all around. Our store was open 11 hours a day, is it too much to ask that the public respect our posted closing times? I have seen customers still in the store 40 minutes after closing time that do not even seem aware of the fact that the store is closed. Furthermore, most of the employees also will probably have to stay at least an hour after the last customer leaves for closing duties. Finally, just remember: most of the employees that work in retail stores such as Comp USA probably could not care less if you boycott the store anyway, since they are getting paid either way, and even if they rely on commission, there are plenty of other people to sell stuff to for it.
haha i love all these posts.i used to work for the devil, aka "compusa". Coming in right at 9pm, you are a prick!expecting good service?what do you want a BJ?
Best Buy is a phenomenon. I woulnd't say that Circuit City is on par with Best Buy at all. I like Circuit City and I liked CompUSA but I'm in the minority.

There is a herd-instinct that flips on with BestBuy and I actually don't too much like feeling a part of a herd.

CompUSA had better prices on geekier items, while the other stores are more newbie friendly. Add to that the Newegg phenomenon and there was basically nobody for CompUSA. Actually, the "attitude problems" cited at CompUSA may stem from the fact that the workers at CompUSA seemed to be more knowledgable and fact-filled. Selecting people based on their knowledge rather than their friendliness is a dangerous decision for a store to make.

Sometimes I have to sit back and ask myself, "What is it that I wanted from this experience?" I enjoyed CompUSA because it let me see things that other stores didn't bother to carry. For instance, a 20" (1600X1200) LCD selection back in the day when nobody else carried them.

As far as return policies... we all have different experiences at any of these stores. I had a very positive experience returning an LCD there, no restocking fee was charged, and it was about 30 days after I bought it. Tried to return an LCD at Circuit City and they were insistent on charging a 15% surcharge. Mileage varies. Best Buy "never" charges a restocking fee on computer LCDs (very important since you never really know till you try it).

Best Buy is a healthy business, it covers what I (who know more than even the more knowledgable CompUSA guys) need. I need a strong price, a good return policy and I like playing around with their financing and coupons (turns spending money into a game very effectively). I can't tell you how many times I've heard incorrect statements from Best Buy employees... but I don't really care, I'm a geek and I know it, and it doesn't bother me. They've given me coupons from their pockets or whatever which is extremely good salesmanship (this never happens anywhere else).

Best Buy is huge, they have a great formula but I still like to sneak as much business as I can to everyone else. BestBuy = hair gel automatons, and I like to keep my decisions based on price. Every single franchise has friendly people and helpful staff, to say otherwise is simply a myth.
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