Will the New CompUSA Retail Stores Survive?

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I was actually angry when my local CompUSA was closed down - they had a better selection of merchandise and better prices than both BB and CC (not as good as NewEgg, but good enough when you don't want to wait for shipping). After CompUSA closed down, BB and CC raised their prices and cut their selection. Need a monitor? You better want a crappy Westinghouse or HaansG, 'cause you won't find anything else. Need a hard drive? Be prepared to pay upwards of $100 for a 250GB drive. Need a case fan? Heatsink? Cables? Forget it, CC and BB don't stock them at all. I, for one, am hoping CompUSA comes back.
I was actually angry when my local CompUSA was closed down - they had a better selection of merchandise and better prices than both BB and CC (not as good as NewEgg, but good enough when you don't want to wait for shipping). After CompUSA closed down, BB and CC raised their prices and cut their selection. Need a monitor? You better want a crappy Westinghouse or HaansG, 'cause you won't find anything else. Need a hard drive? Be prepared to pay upwards of $100 for a 250GB drive. Need a case fan? Heatsink? Cables? Forget it, CC and BB don't stock them at all. I, for one, am hoping CompUSA comes back.
I was actually angry when my local CompUSA was closed down - they had a better selection of merchandise and better prices than both BB and CC (not as good as NewEgg, but good enough when you don't want to wait for shipping). After CompUSA closed down, BB and CC raised their prices and cut their selection. Need a monitor? You better want a crappy Westinghouse or HaansG, 'cause you won't find anything else. Need a hard drive? Be prepared to pay upwards of $100 for a 250GB drive. Need a case fan? Heatsink? Cables? Forget it, CC and BB don't stock them at all. I, for one, am hoping CompUSA comes back.
I have to comment on the author complaing about the 9:00 countdown. I own a small computer store myself and I actually hate it when a customer comes in at 5 min before closing and then seems to take their time and ask numerous questions and end up keeping me another 1/2 hour. I have to stay that extra time and then still do my closings and such. And now maybe I just missed an appointmnt that I had made earlier. Stores have a set of posted hours. Why do some customers feel that those hours do not apply to them? My store opens at 9am but I've got customers that show up at 8:30 and try getting in or pound on the door till I do answer it. Again I guess my posted hours don't apply. It's people like the author who seems to routinely do this from his comments that helps to get the employees to have a rude attitude in the first place. How dare he think that stores posted hours do not apply to him.
I have to comment on the author complaing about the 9:00 countdown. I own a small computer store myself and I actually hate it when a customer comes in at 5 min before closing and then seems to take their time and ask numerous questions and end up keeping me another 1/2 hour. I have to stay that extra time and then still do my closings and such. And now maybe I just missed an appointmnt that I had made earlier. Stores have a set of posted hours. Why do some customers feel that those hours do not apply to them? My store opens at 9am but I've got customers that show up at 8:30 and try getting in or pound on the door till I do answer it. Again I guess my posted hours don't apply. It's people like the author who seems to routinely do this from his comments that helps to get the employees to have a rude attitude in the first place. How dare he think that stores posted hours do not apply to him.

Yes it's annoying, but just deal with it. You are getting payed to work, and supposedly provide customer service that draws people back to buy products again. It's people with your attitude that helped CompUSA go under. I mean come on, 15 minutes?
CompUSA employees start out at like what $8-9/hour? Ya, I'm sure they are so happy to wait another 30m while an idiot customer drives like a maniac to get to the store 2 minutes before it closes so they can shop for another 30-45 minutes.

Has no one worked in retail here?

If you don't agree with this statement then you are simply fake. People don't work paycheck to paycheck to get screwed everyday.
Does anyone even know what CompUSA employees make? Probably $8-9/hour starting. You think they care if you drive like a maniac so you can arrive at the store 2 minutes before it closes so you can shop for another 30-45m? Are you guys kidding me?

Work retail for a few years and you won't be saying anything about that. People don't work paycheck to paycheck to get screwed everyday by an idiot customer.
Does anyone even know what CompUSA employees make? Probably $8-9/hour starting. You think they care if you drive like a maniac so you can arrive at the store 2 minutes before it closes so you can shop for another 30-45m? Are you guys kidding me?

Work retail for a few years and you won't be saying anything about that. People don't work paycheck to paycheck to get screwed everyday by an idiot customer.
Does anyone even know what CompUSA employees make? Probably $8-9/hour starting. You think they care if you drive like a maniac so you can arrive at the store 2 minutes before it closes so you can shop for another 30-45m? Are you guys kidding me?

Work retail for a few years and you won't be saying anything about that. People don't work paycheck to paycheck to get screwed everyday by an idiot customer.
Does anyone even know what CompUSA employees make? Probably $8-9/hour starting. You think they care if you drive like a maniac so you can arrive at the store 2 minutes before it closes so you can shop for another 30-45m? Are you guys kidding me?

Work retail for a few years and you won't be saying anything about that. People don't work paycheck to paycheck to get screwed everyday by an idiot customer.
Before circuit started their firedog business they just called them selves pc services, it was very generic & very basic, we had to improvise on a lot of things. I was given the task of going to comp USA to buy a tool kit; when I walked in the store people were staring and pointing at me, was treated very poorly by employees. I asked for the product they said that they didn?t have any (working in a retail store I knew to check before driving 10 miles, and trust me that had at least 10 units) they actually refused to sell me the product, I asked to speak to the manager and very rudely kicked me out of the store. I was accompanied by a friend who did not have any uniform at all, among all of Circuit City?s flaws (and believe me there are many) we felt a sense of pride when an employee from a competitor came to our store to buy something from us. From that moment on I never revisited comp USA, and will never revisit their stores again.
Does anyone even know what CompUSA employees make? Probably $8-9/hour starting. You think they care if you drive like a maniac so you can arrive at the store 2 minutes before it closes so you can shop for another 30-45m? Are you guys kidding me?

Work retail for a few years and you won't be saying anything about that. People don't work paycheck to paycheck to get screwed everyday by an idiot customer.
there is pretty much no excuse for poor treatment like that. I don't care how little they pay. I was working at $5.25 an hour at a movie theater and had to put up with peoples crap all day. Guess what, I had a good attitude anyway. The customers notice, and will usually treat you better in return.

Dude, just shut up. You are in the minority. People don't care! They care as much as the idiot customer that almost kills himself trying to get to the store 5 minutes before it closes. You have no clue so just drop it. Things have changed since $5.25 an hour. Now your manager screams for you to cut your hours at the end of the week so you won't get overtime. This not only affects you but your coworkers and lastly your customers. Come Friday, you have half the schedueled people working and more than twice the customers.

Thank the idiot customer for screaming for low prices. Well that's what you get.
lol since $5.25 was December of '07. Last I checked customer service was a big deal. At least when I worked at Best Buy. I don't really feel sorry though... It was your choice to work there. Go find another job if it bothers you that much.
LOL you should be the one feeling sorry working for $5.25 an hour and kissing idiot customer's rears. Good for you!

Now back to the real world.
We'll thats what you get for being just out of high school. Get some college under your belt before expecting royal treatment.
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