Will This Max LoL?

Dunkin Rahl

Jan 26, 2015
I'm looking to buy a low budget laptop to play League Of Legends on and came across this one. I want to be able to play LoL on max settings with a steady 40-60 fps. I know that's a lot to ask for with a $500 budget, but I want to at least get as close to my goal as possible. Will this laptop do it?


I was also looking at this one.


Which do you think would better suit my needs? Are there better options? Meaning better laptops within my price range. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks in advance. Much appreciated.

P.S. Before you suggest it I need a laptop, not a desktop, for various reasons that I don't feel the need to state. Just keep that in mind.
The HP laptop only comes with an A8-6410 APU which is really not that powerful. The integrated Radeon R5 (Beema) graphics core is less powerful than the Intel HD 4400 found in may inexpensive laptops using Intel CPUs. It should be able to play LoL with max settings at above 40 FPS though. The second link does not work, it only brings me to Newegg's homepage.

I recommend you look at the 15.6" ThinkPad E555 which has a starting price of $431. However, you should upgrade the APU to the A8-7100 which has the integrated Radeon R6 (Kaveri) graphics core which is considered to be more powerful than the Intel HD 4600 graphics core. That will bring the price up to $458 + tax and should allow you to get pretty close to 60 FPS I believe.


It only comes with 4GB of RAM though. You can upgrade it to 8GB on Lenovo's website, but that will set you back $80. I recommend you buy a 4GB stick of RAM and install it yourself since it will be much cheaper. The link below is for a stick of 4GB RAM for $35. You can always add RAM later so it is not like you must have 8GB of RAM immediately.

@toddy no disrespect meant. All I meant to do was let yall know I didn't need a desktop and I didn't want to list all the reasons when all you guys neef to know is that it's not an option for me.