Will this work?


Jun 6, 2013
Not too sure if this is the right place to put this question.
I want to get the razer tiamat 7.1 surround sound headphones and they say they need a 7.1 enabled sound card to be able to use the suround sound capabilities. I don't have a surround sound sound card, but my graphics card has 7.1 surround sound output. Will the headphones work on that?
No, you need four 3.5mm jacks ports which your motherboard should have, if you don't, you will a cheap sound card such as this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16829132013

There will also be an additional microphone cable.


Sorry, should have been more specific. I mean will the mic work on that output, i know i need 3.5mm jacks. I just want to be sure im spending 100+ on some thing that will give me what i paid for.