Solved! Will VM help isolate potential viruses and p2p connection from torrent clients?

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May 29, 2017
I really need to install something using a torrent client but I've never used it since I'm mostly afraid of seeding and p2p issues.

So I was thinking that I could just use a vm and use the torrent client and install the files in there so that I can easily take the downloaded file and just delete all the storage used on the vm to clean my pc off any torrent traces.

Will that work or is there a possibility that my network still experience issues because of using a torrent client?
1. torrent itself is not illegal. The content you are trying to torrent could be illegal.
2. only illegal torrenting can carry viruses, etc.
3. torrenting illegal stuffs can still be tracked even, if you use virtual machine. Poilce, etc. can still track you.


I'm actually more concerned about seeding and p2p connection since I'm not trying to install a pirated software or anything.
If you are too concerned, legal torrents have mostly safe peers, and you can check each peer.
However if you don't want people to know your IP you'll need a VPN that supports P2P. ProtonVPN's Premium gives you a few. Not quite expensive, however it will be slower than your daily P2P
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