Windows 10 Laptop Display Goes Black After Logging In


Jun 2, 2015
Just upgraded my old Dell Inspiron N5110 to Windows 10 from Windows 7.
Prior to the upgrade, I replace the older, near dead 500GB HDD with a new Seagate 1TB HDD. If nothing else works, I can reclone the new drive from the old drive, going back to Windows 7 and start over.
Aside from the HDD, all other components are original. I'd give a list of specs, but the problem prevents me from bringing this up.

After logging into Windows 10, my desktop appears but then after about 10 seconds goes completely black. The mouse pointer is visible, but there are no icons or menus to click on. CTRL+Esc and the Windows key do not bring anything up.
I have to hold the power key down to shut it off, then I can reboot and repeat the process.
If I right-click on the desktop and choose personalize fast enough (immediately when the desktop first appears), I can bring up settings before the screen goes black. When I do this, the screen still goes black after about 10 seconds, but the Display menu remains in a visible window. I can then navigate through settings with little problem.

When I search for and then try to click on Device Manager, I get an error "Element Not Found". Clicking on other options also brings up either "Element Not Found", or an error that one or two DLL files are not found in the system folder.

Because of these errors I cannot reinstall any of the drivers (I suspect the video drivers are the culprit).

I tried plugging in a second monitor to see if I could see what was happening, but it too went black after 10 seconds (with the mouse still functional, showing it was in side-by-side mode and not duplicate mode).

I'd appreciate any advice or guidance.
I'd reinstall Windows 10. Click advanced options and keep files in the recovery mode. It will reinstall the windows files but keep and personal files you have on there. Any programs you have installed will be gone though.

Thank you for your suggestion.
I attempted to reinstall through Update & Security under Settings. Neither "Get Started" button for "Reset this PC" or "Go back to Windows 7" would work. There is no response from either button - as if they were for display only.

Attempting to change other settings would result in the following dialog box:
Element not found"

This is one of the error messages I mentioned in my original post.
Given the many errors I'm encountering, I'm going to replace the HDD with Windows 7 and reattempt the process. If this continues, I'll stick with Windows 7 throughout the life of this laptop.