Question windows explorer performance issues with large files: need help!


Nov 13, 2014
I'm experiencing significant performence issues with windows explorer when accessing folders that contain large files. The folder takes a long time to load details of files, and the "Calcul des filtres..." message appears for an extended period, making it difficult to manage my files efficiently.

I've already tried several solutions, such as disabling thumbails, optimizing the folder for general items, and increasing virtual memory, but the problem persists. I'm attaching a screenshot that shows the issue in detail. I also tried some thrid-party file manager like total commander, directory opus and xyplorer; but apparently all of them did not even have the feature to disply the detail of files as the windows explorer do as shown in the screenshot attached.
Does anyone have any suggestions or advanced troubleshooting steps that could help resolve this problem? your assistance would be greatly appreciate!
I have windows 10 pro 64x installed

attached screenshot