Windows shortcuts that will PLAY in Android

J and E_

Mar 21, 2017
I have a large and varied collection of Videos, ordinary film, animated film, children's cartoons etc. When I add a new video to the various folder lists I have no way to know what has been seen and since we will frequently view out of date sequence, perhaps by year, we cannot sort date.

I have tried Windows Shortcuts in another folder but ES File Explorer and the like want to download first rather than play the file.

The problem is complicated by Backups on the usb3 HDD attached to my PC from which the Network available HDD is Mirrored. (TP-Link VR900 has the attached usb3 HDD which it makes available via its media server capabilities).

Any suggestion would be gratefully appreciated
Your question is a bit all over the place, shortcuts are just links to files located somewhere. You don't really say how the network is setup, how you are sharing the files, etc...

Need full details about what your setup is like, and what do the backups have to do with anything? Backups are totally separate from media playing on Android.



OK, my TP-Link will provide a NAS type function to any attached usb HDD with a Media Server service to any WiFi device on my LAN. We use phones, tablets and mini PC (all Android) for their various purposes. We both add and play music and videos from any WiFi device connected to the TP-L attached HDD, new data from an Android device is added to a single folder for later sorting on a Windows PC which also an attached usb3 HDD used for Backup of the all files from the router attached HDD.
Any new music track normally is kept until bored of so identifing those is not a problem. Our problem is how to identify any of the Video files which we have not viewed; date of addition is of no help. To date I have used a “NEW” folder then moved the video once seen. You will appreciate data needs to be backed up and so is backed up to another HDD with additions only, no deletions, as there are also personal files on the back up HDD.
The problem I encounter is a multiple source, I need to store the file in a manner that makes access easy for when other family members come and browse the content accessible to them, also to backup the video files on a no delete basis to appropriate final folders under such headings as Kids Cartoon, Animated Film, Film and the like. Anyone wanting to preview any video can go to NEW to do so until viewed as a family; I then move the video to the appropriate folder and then repeat this move for the backup HDD. We have tried all sorts of Android Media Players but many do not find the NAS or fail in function, such as with our folder grouping, as we would like. We have settled on ES File Explorer as the best we can find for the access we require. I recently tried to use a Folder containing Win 10 generated Shortcuts but we find that ESFE will download the files using the shortcut and not play them as direct access to the files would do. The reason I chose to use Shortcuts was because it allowed video to be sorted to their proper permanent file and a shortcut generated and located in the New folder. Once the video has been seen then all I would have need to do is delete the shortcut using ESFE to do so. It seemed a clean, simple solution and no file shuffle.
Do not use shortcuts to get access to the files, browse to the files directly and play them. You have made a much too complex thing there, why are you bothering with moving videos around, you should know what is new since you copied it there, there is no need to do all that file moving around different directories. Just place the files you want to share on the drive attached to your router, and done.

THAT IS UNHELPFUL, I have already said why we need to differentiate. Not viewing in date order, sometimes long gap between obtaining and viewing, size of collection and other factors.
I had higher expectation than that sort of rubbish based on my regular use of your topics. If what you say was applicable would I really go looking for a solution to a non existent problem. If that is the best you can come up with I can suggest a better use for your time than condecending to not answering people's questions

Up to you how you set up your network, I was just pointing out that it's needlessly complex. You are spending too much time managing this thing. Just because you don't like the answer does not mean it's not answered.

You have not provided an answer! How do you know my system is unnecessarily complex when you fail to grasp the need for the backup of a NAS or the fact that we are disorganized in our video playing. All you have given me is your opinion on what I want to achieve when the method of working that you think I should use DOES NOT WORK after a year or more of delayed viewing of many videos, let alone the problem of hunting through the entire folder, seen this, seen that. How about then making a choice as a group about which of our unseen video we would like to view: I do not have the memory of an elephant, wonder what your weakness is? Maybe you love media players that provide a jumble of video types as many do. Is it possible you forget you have seen a video and view it again as unseen after a few months without even realising it?
Try providing the answer I need instead of telling me to do it your way which I have used in the past and does not work with our family group viewing. Constructive criticism is welcome, negative opinions are meaningless, I may not like someone else's choice in how they do things but I have better manners than to just be bloody rude.
I will not reply to any further to your arrogant dismissals of our request for a solution to our problem.