Wired USB Ethernet slower than WiFi


Mar 2, 2017
I'd appreciate comments on this. My travel laptop is a cheap HP Stream. Essentially a Windows 10 Chrome book. I have Xfinity cable/internet at home and have been able to get the HP up to around 30/40 Mbps on WiFi, pretty good I think. I have a USB 3 gigabit (so it says) ethernet adapter and tried it at home and was surprised to see that I get the same speed more or less as wifi using fast.com. Speed is essentially the same using the usb 2 or 3 port. Which surprised me. I got the adapter off Amazon. It was a $15 china made thing.

My desktop, a Lenovo ThinkCentre gets between 80/90 Mbps wire or wifi. My toshiba laptop gets 80 wired and 40s wifi.

So, what do you think. Just be happy with the slower wired speed? Or can it be juiced somehow and is it worth it.


Mar 2, 2017

Thanks, great idea. Tried it and still get around 40 Mbps. The desktop is older and only has USB 2 ports. Don't know if that will make a difference. Also tried it on the Toshiba laptop with USB 2 and got the same thing. You are probably right and it is a limitation of the HP laptop. I contacted HP support and asked them what is the max speed for the laptop wired and wifi and did not get a straight answer not surprisingly.

Thanks for the input!