Work laptop stolen, my fault. Will they be able to track if I buy the same model laptop and give it to them?


Jul 24, 2013
So as the title says, my work laptop was stolen. It was my fault so I don't want to report it as stolen. Can I buy the same model laptop, damage the hard drive, remove the S/N and give it back to them without them knowing?

Its a Dell Lattitude E6410

I know, I am terrible. I was going through some bad sh*t at the time it was stolen, I am back on track now. I need to figure out a way to get them a laptop so this doesn't come back and bite me in the rear.

Any help is appreciated!

If they recorded the hardware identification numbers (e.g., MAC address) and Serial number.. Indeed they can. They can access the S/N from the BIOS most likely (which will still be around if you destroy the harddrive and remove the S/N sticker.)

I would admit that the laptop was stolen and not try to get around it. If they have an intelligent IT team, they will find you out.

If they recorded the hardware identification numbers (e.g., MAC address) and Serial number.. Indeed they can. They can access the S/N from the BIOS most likely (which will still be around if you destroy the harddrive and remove the S/N sticker.)

I would admit that the laptop was stolen and not try to get around it. If they have an intelligent IT team, they will find you out.[/quotemsg]

Thanks for the response. Probably not worth the risk tunrning another one in. What if that laptop was damaged and would never boot up? Then no way to get the S/N from the bios. Any other way they can tell?


If they recorded the hardware identification numbers (e.g., MAC address) and Serial number.. Indeed they can. They can access the S/N from the BIOS most likely (which will still be around if you destroy the harddrive and remove the S/N sticker.)

I would admit that the laptop was stolen and not try to get around it. If they have an intelligent IT team, they will find you out.[/quotemsg]

Thanks for the response. Probably not worth the risk tunrning another one in. What if that laptop was damaged and would never boot up? Then no way to get the S/N from the bios. Any other way they can tell?


Well, there are still ways to read the hardware Ids even if the machine doesn't boot. And sometimes there will be stickers on the motherboard with those Ids as well. It really depends on how bad the IT dept would check. I would say that many IT dept would just take your word for it that it broke from being mistreated and go from there...

I don't think they will take it apart and remove EEPROMs and read them back to check the SN,
But it could be done.