World of Warcraft Expansion Hit with DDoS Attack

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In related news - thousands of missing male teens emerged from their parents basements. Sadly, they went on a rampage which left thousands dead.
Sorry but I don't buy it. Blizzard messed up. It is the missing 4million since Wrath that are returning that wants to play the game and because someone somewhere forgot that bandwidth and processing power actually matters no one is getting to play. I haven't seen 3 hour queues to get onto servers since TBC.
Got home after 7pm last night and was told about the DDoS attach hearing it came from Korea, who knows. I went ahead and logged on with no problems logged off and logged in again on like 8 of my 90 level toons w/o issue. One of my sons was stuck in a que for hours but the server he's on is a lot higher population then mine so I didn't ever try to reach the toons on that server. I moved all my 90s on the main server I used in to WoD area w/o issue. I did notice there were a lot fewer players then Wednesday night at 11:45pm to 12:30pm. For some reason my server launched WoD 15mins early it was nice, lol. No I won't tell you what server I'm on go wait in the que, lol.
Thursday morning, no problems just checking in before work. Thursday evening after work had a 3 minute and played for a while before servers started being unhappy. Whatever, I've got other forms of entertainment.
I don't buy it. It's Blizzard policy to never admit fault. Blizzard probably just wasn't prepared for the players that came back to play the expansion, and instead of admitting fault they're blaming hackers. If this is legit, I'd love to see some confirmation from involved law enforcement.

Blizzard servers have been hacked numerous times in the past, with user credentials and information being stolen, but they always blame it on the users either giving out passwords or having key logging malware installed. I had a friend that had not accessed his WoW account in 5+ years when he got an email that his account had been suspended for participating in some gold scheme. When he tried to notify Blizzard staff that their servers were likely compromised, they just laughed it off and said he was to blame.
For those saying that this is just a massive amount of players coming back, well, that's just wishful thinking.

DDoS attacks have been launched for months now against many different MMO's, so that is likely what it is. Not to mention after the sharp decline WoW has had for several years now, people aren't exactly flocking to buy World of Warcraft: Warcraft 2 Retcon Expansion. If it was a massive influx of players, Blizzard would be touting that to no end as that would make it sound so much better.
I don't have much faith in this being true. I didn't do the Pandoria xpac but every other one has faced the same issues at launch. I would rather believe its Blizz not having enough server to accomdate the millions coming back...
lal the europaen server aint working at all all european servers are broken que times more than 12 hours impossible to play if ur ingame like huge lag spikes and no NPCS u cant join garnison pls dont through out unreality news... the European servers aint working at all... and if i watch any US streamers US servers are doing well
"I would rather believe its Blizz not having enough server to accomdate the millions coming back."

Should not they have known this with the Expansion sets they were selling? It seems unbelievable for a Company of this size. Unless they really don't care and just were taking the money and running!
"I would rather believe its Blizz not having enough server to accomdate the millions coming back."

Should not they have known this with the Expansion sets they were selling? It seems unbelievable for a Company of this size. Unless they really don't care and just were taking the money and running!
"I would rather believe its Blizz not having enough server to accomdate the millions coming back."

Should not they have known this with the Expansion sets they were selling? It seems unbelievable for a Company of this size. Unless they really don't care and just were taking the money and running!
The info blizzard released for the article is fake and misleading!

2)There is no DOS attack, it is all Blizzard's fault. We are paying millions every month and they won't upgrade their hardware, or at least RENT for a week of every expansion launch so they can handle the massive logins . All the login errors and the disconnections and back in queue were because the wiseguys of Blizzard implemented the Garrison and they made it an integral part of the level up and whole progress in the new expansion.
By this, all the players , if they wanted to feel the story and play the game as it should be (no power leveling but take it slow as you should ) had to go to their Garrison.

Guess what, at Blizzard's documentary their top IT was saying "IT is never a good idea to put too many people in one place"

3) "But blizzard has already server balancing, instancing Garrison area" Nothing worked. They had it tested for months and nothing worked. I dont know but if i was a CEO of blizzard i would cut some heads. From the expansion department that they havent learnt shit all those years and had 1 area for every faction to progress in the expansion to the IT heads who didn't do shit and didnt request better hardware or more bandwidth OR BETTER ISPs to work with.!

And many other stuff that i am bored to write
First of all its was DDoS attack i was watching it happen in Norse i have 35 years as a computer tech ,saying it was not a DDos attack does not make it so unless you were monitoring the situation.
Also they did underestimate the need for more servers most of the player base that rejoined did so at the last minute they should of put up at least 10 more servers for North America.
It does not matter who you are ,how much money and resources you have a DDos attack will bring anything and anyone down if large enough.
Oh by the way the DDos attacks seem to originate from China it was REALLY big as far as DDos attacks go.
If you did see it happening (i don't know how) then good. But the latency and the disconnects were in-server, Not in the login server where you do spam their server to get in the queue. If this was about ISPs getting raped sure, i get it. But i doubt it would be that. I mean other times blizzard announced that their ISP on that place got ddos attacks.

i may stil lbe wrong, i am not a network engineer, but the whole situation INSIDE the game servers were not DDOS. I have felt DDOS attacks in-game, that was totally different
Shows DDos attacks via map very useful tool, i have a few web servers i put up as soon as they go live it's non-stop attacks from China to hack in i have to block by geo location China,Russia ect. vast majority is from China so i block all ports not needed and tighten security in red hat and only allow logins from local IP's.
They have bots in China that scan every ip range and common ports for servers and try to hack in using bruteforce it's really annoying.
This login lags and in game lags, happens in every expansion they do every year, Blizzard does not seems to learn from the past, and now they try to blame it on DDoS attacks, c'mon.
Im not denying DDoS attacks are possible, but in the case of Blizzard is not the case, when I started in WOW they has over 11 million users, since then the number goes down, then when expansions come, the number rises up again close to that, and there is allways delays during logins and lag in the game during the introduction of the expansions, as a matter of fact, during one of the previous expansions blizz offered free transfers to less populated servers to aliviate the load on high pop servers, meaning there servers where not to the task to handle the ammount of people returning to the game and the new subscribers. In this expansion i s exactly the same, there server cant handle the returning players plus new customers, before the wod expansion they had around 6.5 mil players, since the exp that number has gone up drastically, so that is proof of my point, hence the DDoS attack picture they are trying to paint is BS, further more, the reduce the ammount of players per server to minimize player ingame lag, but that does not stops DDoS attacks if that was the case.
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