Xbox 360/Sony PS3 Emulator

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Dec 28, 2015
Is it possible to play Xbox 360 and PS3 games someday in Emulator with Intel Core i5 on PC with 60 FPS? I have Xbox 360 JTAG and Sony PS3 Slim but PS3 have dead BT Board so i can't use controller without cable.
As of right now, there are little to no greatly working emulators, but as mentioned above there are those emulators you can try, but they are not fully functional as of right now, and PC's aren't powerful enough to emulate the newer consoles
For Xbox 360 their is Xenia but the titles it works with are limited and it is a work in progress.

For PS3 there is ESX

There are a few others if you do a google search but the short of it is these are not the most complete programs. Over time things will get better but for now they are rough around the edges at best.
As of right now, there are little to no greatly working emulators, but as mentioned above there are those emulators you can try, but they are not fully functional as of right now, and PC's aren't powerful enough to emulate the newer consoles
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