This person (or group of people) wields a large amount of power, as they can make up rules and dictate how the resources of the whole will be used. They can then stifle dissent and remove / kill anyone who seeks to change the current rules. They can also reward themselves with whatever they want from the produce of the group. Have the nicest dwellings, best women, best food, whatever they want. And no one from the lower non-administrative members of the tribe can stop them.
From the longer but intelligent post above. While I agree that everything you are saying is correct, I should point out that Capitalism has created the very same people you mention as an inevitablity of Communism. Today in America (and even more so in a Russia), the super rich have achieved the exact state you are describing: the nicest dwellings, best women, best food, whatever they want. So the main difference, to me, is the conditions for the lower rung of society. In our quasi-capitalistic system (Welfare, medicare, etc are very socialistic in nature), the lower rung recieves very little but enough to live (in most cases anyway), but unfortunately often are unable to contribute enough back to society. Where as in a communistic system, the lower rung has (historically) recieved plenty enough to survive (housing, food, education, medical care) BUT has also been put to work by the state - so contributing something back.
I think the point to take here is that either system, taken to the extreme, creates massive class disparity, and thus should be avoided. In my opinion, the best system would lie somewhere in the middle. A democratically elected government with limited terms (looking at you, congressmen and women) is naturally the only way to ensure that power is not consolidated in one place for too long. However, we should be taking a page out of the communist book in terms of the social services provided by the government - that is a basic level of food, shelter, education (ESPECIALLY higher education - meaning grad schools, medical schools, etc)and medical care should be provided to all citizens who cannot afford it free of charge. That isn't to say that private industries in each sector cannot flourish - they would simply provide a service level beyond the basic level provided by the government. In addition, government should put to work any who are unable to procure employment on their own. The army has very sophisticated tools for determening someones strengths and natural abilities - this can be used to decide what kind of work someone would do. But that is just my opinion and I don't expect anything like this to be accepted here in the States anytime soon. On the other hand, so far, our political evolution has followed the Marx theory of communism perfectly. Whether it will actually turn out the same way that Marx predicted remains to be seen - just saying that so far, the US is right on track.
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