[citation][nom]palladin9479[/nom]Ok you can tell who are the college educated people and who are the ones educated by real life. Communism only works on a very small scale, about that of a small village or tribe. In a communistic society people are supposed to share the profit of efforts of the group. On a small scale this is done with relative ease. Unfortunately on a large scale there must be ~someone~ in charge of redistributing the collective wealth of the group. This person (or group of people) wields a large amount of power, as they can make up rules and dictate how the resources of the whole will be used. They can then stifle dissent and remove / kill anyone who seeks to change the current rules. They can also reward themselves with whatever they want from the produce of the group. Have the nicest dwellings, best women, best food, whatever they want. And no one from the lower non-administrative members of the tribe can stop them. Well nothing short of a full scale revolt. Communism results in the concentration of all the power in the hands of a select few. Communistic governments / society's must actively stifle dissent and censor what the lower members are exposed to. This prevents the full scale revolt from happening. Because once the members of the lower population discover that their leaders are stealing from the groups welfare, they get angry and want to replace those leaders.In China there is no democracy, the people can not choose to remove their leadership. Instead there is a Oligarchy. A small group of members who lead the CCP that decide everything. They appoint each other to their positions, they only promote those that support them, and then ensure that nobody from the lower population threatens their position. These are people with multiple large house's who eat special food and basically live like kings. Their lifestyle is provided for by the labor of the lower population, and they will stop at nothing to ensure the status quo doesn't change.This my friends is what EVERY communistic government ever created in the world has ended up as. A slave class supporting an administrative class with brutal control and censorship involved. Capitalism may have its problems (namely the separation of profit and morality), but at least in a Democratic society we can vote OUT bad leaders. At least we have a voice the the government can not censor, they must listen to us. And they must do what the majority will's them to do, because if they don't then they get replaced on the next election. There is no such safety net for communism.Anyone who disagrees with this, anyone who hated capitalism and extols the virtues of a communistic society should resign their citizenship from the USA (or whatever modern democratic society they are a member of) and immigrate to China, or even North Korea. Give up your nintendo, PS3's, your SUV's and other things you purchased with your own hard earned money. Instead give it all away and allow another country's government to decide what you can and can not have. Anything else is just you being a hypocrite.[/citation]
You are correct, and I am correct, and for the most part anyone who gives a semi or wholly educated opinion on communism is correct. The facts remain though, there are three faces of communism, the one the opposition paints (in this case capitalism), the one which communists paint and then there's reality. But to label communism as one comprehensive movement across the World is very much misleading. The various forms of communism in each nation which adopted it is (was) easily perceptible. Communism in Romania was very different than communism in Hungary, relative to communism in North Korea, etc. Like I posted in my original comment, China is unique simply because of it's geographical size and it's social makeup. Consider that there are currently dozens of "native" languages in China spoken by many dozens of various native cultures. Democracy in that country would split the country up. To this day, as you may or may not know since it's not really covered by our media, the central government goes to great lengths to keep the country united, often through very shady and downright inhumane maneuvers. Anyways, the point is, the topic of communism can become as heated as that of religion, and ultimately it's hard to remain objective, fair and open minded. I am not a pro-communist, but when I lived through it I saw truly universal quality education, I did not have to stand in line to see my doctor, I did not have to pay for my medicine, and education and learning were valued above that of material gains and showing off at school our nike shoes.
You are correct, and I am correct, and for the most part anyone who gives a semi or wholly educated opinion on communism is correct. The facts remain though, there are three faces of communism, the one the opposition paints (in this case capitalism), the one which communists paint and then there's reality. But to label communism as one comprehensive movement across the World is very much misleading. The various forms of communism in each nation which adopted it is (was) easily perceptible. Communism in Romania was very different than communism in Hungary, relative to communism in North Korea, etc. Like I posted in my original comment, China is unique simply because of it's geographical size and it's social makeup. Consider that there are currently dozens of "native" languages in China spoken by many dozens of various native cultures. Democracy in that country would split the country up. To this day, as you may or may not know since it's not really covered by our media, the central government goes to great lengths to keep the country united, often through very shady and downright inhumane maneuvers. Anyways, the point is, the topic of communism can become as heated as that of religion, and ultimately it's hard to remain objective, fair and open minded. I am not a pro-communist, but when I lived through it I saw truly universal quality education, I did not have to stand in line to see my doctor, I did not have to pay for my medicine, and education and learning were valued above that of material gains and showing off at school our nike shoes.