Yamaha RX-801 Shuts down

Mar 4, 2018
Receiver used for TV audio and general music usage.

Connected to Bose Acoustimass, will handle the sound volume for TV pretty well, rare exception.

When playing Music through (CD Player/Blue Tooth/USB, shuts down at medium volumes...sporadically

Surprised this occurs at this volume....Have read it was tied to HDMI connection....but same for these other modes.

Any expereince like this out there?
Bad HDMI switching can cause audio dropouts but has nothing to do with how loud you are playing the system and doesn't usually shut down the receiver.
The receiver going into protection and shutting down can be cause by overheating. Make sure that there is good air flow. Try a fan.
It can be cause by a bad speaker wire or speaker. Disconnect each speaker at the back of the receiver one at a time and to determine if that is the problem.
It can be due to the load being too low impedance for the receiver. Not likely with the Bose.
It can also be caused by the receiver being driven into clipping due to insufficient power to play the speakers loud enough. You would notice some distortion in this case before it went into protection.
I can't find that model when I search..you sure about it?
Just want to get an idea of age really. It is likely overheating.
How does it behave with using the FM tuner?
Try taking off the cover and see if it looks like it needs to be blown out with compressed air because of dust.
Sounds like circuit-protection kicking in...

Check this out for t/shooting if dudio's suggestion does not help: http://faq.yamaha.com/us/en/article/audio-visual/av-receivers-amps/rx/rx-v1900_black__u/1094/2438/why_does_my_unit_shut_off_at_1-4_volume_or_less_
I agree with Sam.
Rule out overheating due to dust, then next step is the load (impedence) on the amp from the speakers.
You can try other speakers or disconnecting pairs (assuming you're running surround). What are the acoustimass rated at, 8 ohm? Still need to know your receiver model.
Another thing you can try (if the receiver supports it) is running the main pair on the 'B' channel if it has it, as the main channel ("A") may be giving up the ghost.
Bad HDMI switching can cause audio dropouts but has nothing to do with how loud you are playing the system and doesn't usually shut down the receiver.
The receiver going into protection and shutting down can be cause by overheating. Make sure that there is good air flow. Try a fan.
It can be cause by a bad speaker wire or speaker. Disconnect each speaker at the back of the receiver one at a time and to determine if that is the problem.
It can be due to the load being too low impedance for the receiver. Not likely with the Bose.
It can also be caused by the receiver being driven into clipping due to insufficient power to play the speakers loud enough. You would notice some distortion in this case before it went into protection.