You Can Have Your Google Account Deleted When You Die

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Don't do it! At minimum, have your account transferred to a relative you trust. I got stuck away in the state mental hospital, where they are perpetually stuck in 1982 so there is no internet, by my employer (I worked for the state government) for 6 months. You never know what curve balls life is going to throw at you. I won't be signing up for automatic payments anymore either. Drained my checking account even though I clearly wasn't using my cable modem, gym membership, cell phone, electricity, etc.
I remember when one of my high school friends died due to a heart condition. Took his familly quite awhile to get into his Facebook so they could actually let his facebook friends know that he had died. Would have been nice if they had something like this on Facebook then.
Or why don't account systems have a built in feature where it AUTOMATICALLY deletes any inactive account for 5 months of inactivity? Enough with this morbid death stuff.
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I wish they offered a 5 or 10 year option as well. I mean I can see someone going without the internet for a year or so for job related or money related issues, but 5 years and not watching youtube is going to be pretty hard to pull off for someone who wants to use this system/service. Yes I am aware you dont need to log in to watch some videos on youtube, but it cuts down on the ads when you do log in and that's why I honestly think most people have a google account.
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