normally uses encryption to protect your information. When Google Chrome tried to connect to this time, the website sent back unusual and incorrect credentials. This may happen when an attacker is trying to pretend to be, or a Wi-Fi sign-in screen has interrupted the connection. Your information is still secure because Google Chrome stopped the connection before any data was exchanged.
You cannot visit right now because this certificate has been revoked. Network errors and attacks are usually temporary, so this page will probably work later.
Yesterday, my friend tried to login fantasy.premier from my laptop. He tried to login with facebook. But after that i tried to open the site, i could not open the site. anyone know how to solved it? thanks
You cannot visit right now because this certificate has been revoked. Network errors and attacks are usually temporary, so this page will probably work later.
Yesterday, my friend tried to login fantasy.premier from my laptop. He tried to login with facebook. But after that i tried to open the site, i could not open the site. anyone know how to solved it? thanks