Z-5400 DAC & onboard audio vs. X-Fi / X-Meridian


Feb 13, 2007
Does an upgrade from an on-board sound chip of the latest nForce make sense when using it in combination with Logitech Z-5400 speakers which have their own DAC with all the fancy conversion to 5.1 Dolby etc.?

I don’t play games so for me EAX has no value. I’m only interested in a good sound (as good as possible) to play my music and movies (my PC is connected to a High-Definition digital projector!).

Does it make sense upgrading the sound card to an X-Fi Xtreme Music or even more expensive X-Meridian? If the card does decoding and so does the Z-5400’s own DAC – do these two not cancel each other out then? I am willing to invest into a sound card if it really makes sense and greatly improves sound. But I’m a bit sceptical as the Z-5400 do a great job themselves…

Any help would be much much appreciated!

Logitech Z-5400 is limited to what you're source is. If you are looking for a better sound quality Logitech Z-5400 not the best to start. However if you already have the Z-5400 and looking to increase the sound quality then a good sound card would make a difference. You'll get better sound if you replace the front and center with at least 2 way book shelf type speakers, as for the rear your stuck with it because of the wireless.