
Sep 21, 2016
Hello all need a little advice

I managed to pick up a nice z5500 for my home cinema setup, i already have one driving my sound card on the computer. And it's amazing!

So here's the issue I'm facing how can I get 6 channel direct on a home cinema system for example

I have my Xbox one, My sky Tv box latest version and a Samsung DVD player and the z5500 itself

I also have a toslink splitter which has 2 outputs and 4 inputs question is what is the best way to set this up with the above and get 6 channel direct I plugged a digital optical cable from the z5500 into my sky box and it was only coming out with stereo/2 II movie or II music but no 6 channel direct so only a few speakers will work on some of these settings do I need additional hardware to drive 6 channel direct or can that not be done with optical toslink,

I'm pretty confused as to what needs to go to what I also have brought a few decent quality coaxial audio cables as well as what I have is he toslink cables,

I have yet to try the Xbox one and as for the DVD player it has a optical out connector so does that mean it needs to go into the optical input on the toslink splitter?

Any help would be appreciated,

xbo should support dts for 5.1 on optical. i would hook this up to see what you get. check your settings if you dont get 5.1 right off.

as for the dvd player, check your settings if you dont get 5.1 right off.

not sure if the last box supports 5.1 or not. some devices dont and it may be only 5.1 over optical.

for testing purposes directly connect without the switch. once you get things working then put the switch in afterwards and test again.
not sure what you paid for the z5500 but if its anywhere near the price of the current model z906 the energy classic 5.1 take and a receiver are often a better choice. if you got it for a very reasonable price then the z5500 is considered one of your better options as far as pc speakers are concerned and could make do as a cheap home theater but with limited connectivity.

not all optical outputs are 5.1 capable. some may be 2.0 only. in fact, by default optical is uncompressed audio and is 2.0 stereo only. if both devices support it then compressed dolby digital 5.1 can be sent over the cable. i know the z5500 should support it but i'm not sure about your other devices.

splitters are not what i'd suggest.. switches are a better choice.

to get analog 6ch, things like hdmi audio extractors (hdmi input, 6ch analog output, hdmi output) likely would work. they make optical versions as well but i'm not sure if your devices support it and honestly if they did then just connecting directly with optical should work without any such devices.

if all of your devices support hdmi, a receiver is more convenient (hence my energy 5.1 suggestion above) but you could do something similar with the right hdmi switch paired with a hdmi audio extractor or hdmi to optical conversion box (also falls under the labeling of hdmi audio extractor). it may be $50-100 depending on the quality of what you buy.

i would read the manuals of your devices and see if they support 6ch over optical and also note if you have hdmi output as well.
Hi ssddx I made a mistake on the saying I was using a splitter I am in fact using a toslink switch, can I ask what would be the most feasible option to use ? I've looked at the Xbox one specs for audio and it does support loads of hdmi audio options like uncompressed 5.1, 7.1 etc, the optical supports stereo uncompressed & bitstream out, the DVD player I have is a SAMSUNG BD-H6500 3D which looking at specs also supports 7.1 Dolby decoding channel and DTS 7.1 in regards to the sky specs I'm having trouble finding the exact ones,
xbo should support dts for 5.1 on optical. i would hook this up to see what you get. check your settings if you dont get 5.1 right off.

as for the dvd player, check your settings if you dont get 5.1 right off.

not sure if the last box supports 5.1 or not. some devices dont and it may be only 5.1 over optical.

for testing purposes directly connect without the switch. once you get things working then put the switch in afterwards and test again.