Changes Are Not Tracked Even after Enabling ‘Track Changes’ in MS Word 2013

This is not true at all.

The changes are tracked. However in order to make things simpler and easily visible to the users, MS Word 2013 does not display all the tracked changes by default. The application instead uses only the simple markups so that the users can only see the modifications that have been made at particular locations in the document.

This doesn’t mean that you cannot get the detailed information of the modifications made in the document. In case you want to do so, you must select the ‘All Markup’option in the ‘REVIEW’ tab in the MS Word. When this is done, you can then be able to see all the modifications in the detailed form.

Enabling All Markup requires just a few mouse clicks. But since the document gets really unreadable with all the red marks and striked contents, it is recommended to leave the default settings intact. As per the recommendations, you should enable All Markup only when it is very important for you to go through the detailed information about the changes that have been made to the document.

Also, after accepting all the changes, make sure that you change the settings back to Simple Markup, and disable the Track Changes option by clicking its corresponding button on the ribbon.

Below is the process using which you can enable or disable All Markup, and verify the detailed information about the changes that have been made in an MS Word document:

    ■Log on to the computer that contains the document that is to be modified.

    ■Locate and open the target document.

    ■Once on the interface, go to the REVIEW tab from the top.

    ■On the REVIEWtab, from the displayed options, click Track Changes button from the Tracking section.


    ■From the same section, click the All Markup option from the drop-down list displaying Simple Markup.


    ■Once this is done, you can now start making the changes in the document, and the changes will be displayed giving you the detailed information.

Additional Information: When ‘Simple Markup’ is selected, the ‘Show Comments’ button is automatically clicked. This means that the comments about the modifications made will be displayed wherever needed whatsoever
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