Netflix is an American web-streaming company which provides top class media. People all over the globe are joining Netflix for its supreme product quality, and it is now available in more than 150 countries. You can even download content to watch offline, stored in your phone or in memory storage. Here’s how to download Netflix content onto a memory card.
1. Open ‘Netflix’
You can open the app on your Android or iOS device. You can download the Android app directly from here.

2. Navigate to More
Click on ‘More’ from the bottom menu, right next to ‘Downloads’.

3. Open ‘App Settings’
Click on ‘App Settings’ from the list of actions in the More section.

4. Navigate to ‘Downloads’
Scroll down and click on ‘Download Location’.

5. Select the ‘Location’
Click on SD Card (Memory Card/Flash Drive) location. This lets you save the downloaded content to this location.

Storing top content on a memory card takes just a few taps.