Landing is a very important part of the match in PUBG. This is because if you land at a place that is random, you will be at risk of being far from the circle and close to a lot of enemies. So to ensure you get the best landing, follow the tips below:
Decide Your Spot:
One of the most important things about landing is to decide on a spot where you want to land. For this, you need to open the map as soon as the match starts and look for areas that are popular but not in the way of the plane. This means that you need to go to the area that is far from the route of the plane. This way, there will be a very slim chance of you finding many enemies at that place as most of the people like to land close to where they jump. So once you have decided on the place you want to land, you should mark it on the map and then get there.

Pay Attention to the Bar:
When you are attempting to land at your spot, it is imperative that you pay close attention to the bar located at the bottom of your screen. It will determine the speed you are going with, the height and the place where you parachute will open (white part of the bar). This is especially important when you want to dive towards a certain location and want to know how much distance you can cover before your parachute opens.

Aim for Low Terrain:
You may not know this but the opening of a parachute depends on the distance between you and the surface. So this means that there is a certain distance between you and the surface that makes the parachute open. Therefore, you should avoid high terrain like trees, mountains and buildings if you want to dive longer and reach the land area quickly. Because if you continue to dive above the high terrain, your parachute will open early and that means you will not get to dive deeper and ultimately land slower.

Look Around:
Finally, when you are going towards the area you want to land at, make sure to look around you to see if anyone else is landing near you or not. This will help you assess the situation near you and you will be able to take the necessary steps to make sure you do not get attacked by the enemies landing near you. Secondly, you need to scout the whole area beneath you to see if there are any cars nearby. You can do this while you are parachuting towards your marked spot.

These are some of the tips related to landing as a solo. Just make sure that you always decide the spot you are going to land for a more strategic and systematic landing.