Recent content by ch42832n

  1. C

    Report: Verizon Killing Unlimited Data Next Week

    Verizon will put out tier price for cell phone data service. What is next...apply the same on the broadband data service for home. So all our DSL and FIOS line will be priced on number of GB we can have per month. Goodbye to unlimited data price in general.
  2. C

    Uh oh: Verizon Dropping Unlimited Data Plans Too?

    oh no...not can you do this to you faithful customers.
  3. C

    Restaurant Replaces Paper-Based Menus with iPads

    Fantastic, way to go.
  4. C

    Man Gets Speeding Ticket, Buys Police Website

    Excellent. Now may be Brian can negotiate a deal with the police dept to void his $90 speeding ticket by providing website maintenance service to the PD website (since the regular guy is on long-term leave).
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    iPed: The Chinese Knock-off iPad Running Android

    Shadow703793They've been doing it for years. However, they did invent gunpowder For some reason, for $105, this seems far more useful than the iPad, esp. considering this is running Android. Actually, the Chinese did not invent gunpowder on purpose, they accidentally invented it. They just got...
  6. C

    Chinese Hackers Stole the Dalai Lama's Emails

    szbxayeah.. but it surprises me everyday that the damn lama's still alive.. u guys are not chinese or u've never been to china, u don't know how much chinese people hated him. one of his highest "achievements" was the attempting to make Tibet and individual country. he betrayed china and chinese...
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    Chinese Hackers Stole the Dalai Lama's Emails

    pei-chenSo when China took over the Earth all you needed to do it nuke the Earth? Genius. China wants to took over the world???? I though they are all about harmony and peace.
  8. C

    China Warns of 'Consequences' in Google's Plans

    Google need to just get its operation out of china and ban all http requests from china. chinese market is no friendly market. They steal and clone all technologies and claim as their own.
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    Sony Considering Charging for PSN

    What! Has Sony gone insane! People join PSN rather than XBox Live because PSN is free. If Sony start charging fee, then I'm switching.
  10. C

    Judge: ISP Not Responsible for Illegal Downloads

    Justice was your face Hollywood studios
  11. C

    China Now Blocking IMDb

    asdf634Not only that, I bet they use Google to search for the sites they'd like to block... :\ or for their own entertainment
  12. C

    China Now Blocking IMDb

    chinaEventually. if this continues, a new generation of chinese will be born that have no idea that a country besides china exists I think that is the intention of chinese gov't
  13. C

    Microsoft, HP NOT Backing Google's Threat

    Both M$ and HP only care about money and not human right. They are just as evil as chinese gov't.
  14. C

    AT&T to Get Dell Phone and Two Palm Phones

    AT&T...what are they thinking?! New phones would not solve their under par performance network and customers defection and switch to Verizon. What they need to do is upgrade their network to handle the load.
  15. C

    Judge Rules in Favor of Verizon's 3G Commercials

    why don't AT&T spend the money on improving their 3G network instead of legal fees...