Recent content by TNel

  1. T

    Hidden Apple Watch Port May Be Key to Better Charging

    Wait let me get this straight. Not only do you need to buy the $350 watch you need to buy a $250 strap so you can charge it faster.... $600 for a watch that you would replace in 2-3 years..... Wow that's dumb.
  2. T

    1 Million Apple Watch Orders Already Beats Android Wear

    Are you freaking kidding me?! I bet you would complain about people texting and driving. DO NOT use these while driving. OMG that has to be the dumbest thing I've read so far this week (yeah I know it's early) and it may take the cake for the month.
  3. T

    New Roku 3 Box Gets Voice Search

    Roku 2 does not have voice search, even the article states that. What makes me mad is when Roku takes this horrible naming scheme. It's the same as the old iPod Touch naming and I can't stand it. Each version should have their own name and not have to...
  4. T

    Halo 5 to Pit Spartan Against Spartan Oct. 27

    Plus don't forget the cheapest NVMe card/storage is around $800 so you want the console to cost $1000+ yeah good luck getting people to buy that. I had a hard time paying $500 double the cost and I would have stayed with my 360.
  5. T

    Halo 5 to Pit Spartan Against Spartan Oct. 27

    This is a dumb idea. For one you really don't think MS knew about DX12 to make their console compatible? Then you want to add something that will make 2 different consoles for MS to support and for game developers support? Never going to happen. Xbox One and PS4 were both under powered in my...
  6. T

    Does Apple-HBO Deal Dis Roku, Google, Others?

    I have HBO for free for 2 years from Comcast and there is no way I would pay more than $5 a month to stream HBO. They have crap content and their movie selection is terrible. I've watched them maybe 5 times in the last 3 months. Only idiots will pay $15 a month. It costs $15 a month from a...
  7. T

    iPhone 6 Plus vs Galaxy Note 4: Phablet Face-Off

    I'm really surprised you choose the iPhone's bar picture to be better. If I was just looking at the two and decided which is better I would have said the Note's picture was much better. I also disagree with your selfie, the iPhone had a much more accurate color tones, on the Note the person is...
  8. T

    After HBO & Showtime, Will AMC Go Online a la Carte?

    Typo: "But the prices for fans are adding up. Let's guess that HBO and Netflix will each cost $10 per month (the networks haven't named prices yet). Netflix is another $8 or $9 (depending on when you signed up)." I think you mean "Let's guess that HBO and Showtime will each...."
  9. T

    Destiny Sequel Already in Works

    Game is too repetitive. Game won't make a year as is and if they don't do something drastic with Destiny 2 that version will not take off. You pay $60 for a game that can be completed in a few hours then you do the same things over and over and over again isn't fun. Then have the audacity...
  10. T

    Apple OS X Yosemite's Data Collection Is No Big Deal

    Google does it and it's the end of the world, Apple does it and we have to just calm down.... right. Do Apple users really not understand why people think they are brainwashed?
  11. T

    Monster 12.9-inch iPad Gets Delayed (Report)

    One of my friends got a 6+ and he was complaining for the first hour (we were playing online) about how it's just too big and that he should have just gotten the 6. After about 2 hours he was saying how the size is much better and he's glad he got the larger screens. People see the size and...