1-pixel black horizontal line on Samsung LED TV.

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May 30, 2010
1-pixel wide black horizontal line HALFWAY across the 60" Samsung LED tv screen. Line fades out toward center. AND 2 days later it disappeared. WTF? Will it come back?

Only the line and you will know if it does. If it does, worry about it then. Would be a good sign the screen could fail, or have more lines or permanent lines appear.

If it's a line across the screen, it is not just a screen issue with bad pixels, it is something with the connections of the panel. Sometimes pushing on the bezel in the area of the issue can fix it, but it can also cause the issue to become worse if the connection gets moved around more.

We took it to the Samsung-recommended repair shop. They said it would cost $1400 to fix it and they thought it would be dumb to do it. We bought a 65" LG at Walmart for only a few $hundred more. A thing as expensive as the Samsung TV should last more than 4 years. I'll never buy another Samsung product.

If I were to see ur post back in June I would had suggested putting some (permanent) pressure on the edges via rubber pads or something. Yeah, when they say fix, they really mean, replace with a new panel, they ain't fixing nothing, a swap job is what they are talking about.

For what's worth my Samsung is on its 8 years, knock-on-wood.

Yeah, I know about the swap. Ridiculous. There were a number of similar suggestions, none of which worked. At some point we'll take the damn thing apart and see if tweaking the internal connector in some way will help, but we don't have a good place to work on it right now. This seems to be a standard failure mode, which is unacceptable.

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