1 - what are all the computer specs needed for chrome with 100-1000+ tabs to run smoothly?

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what's the key reason? aritcle link?

am not aware or informed of what ways those are

everyone with this challenge dont know as well

there's been many attempts in all kinds of ways from chrome extensions to etc.

but hard challgens are hard

and need innovative solutions

i dont understand what is meant by this

i mentioend somewhere once upon a time that sometimes onenote is used

to take notes

also use my brain to consume info

unware of more innovative methods,

with the amount of info i consume, im pretty nobody else in this entire universe knows of high innovative ways

though could be mistaken


waht would matter most if many tabs were loaded at once?

and know about these:?

"after the tabs loaded, was performance slow, or was everything fine at those specs?

or the type of drive was making it slow, if it was slow?


if loaded all at once (this is when the content being different would matter as it's getting new updated content from the pages even if they were all on the same site llike youtube),

would the cpu, ram, or 100mps internet be the limit?

or is the os? win10 vs chromeos, does it even matter? haven't decided on os yet"

And as stated before, amazon ratings for CPUs are the most stupid way possible of picking a CPU.

Within this thread you have many many decades of experience. Help us to help you, or we can't help.

The concept of trying to find one particular browser tab, among several hundred open tabs.

"more innovative methods"?
You've still not told us your actual workflow with this.

My browser opens with 7 preset tabs. 6 sites, and a local html file with several dozen links to other sites on it.
I don't need or want ALL of them open at once. If I need one of them open, it is but a second or two to open tab #1, find the proper URL, middle click....it opens in a new tab, right next to where I am. Given a fast internet connection, it is open as fast as the site can serve it to me.
I don't have to hunt for it. It's right there.

Now....please tell us how you plan to find the content from foo.com, which is on some random tab between #185 and #462.
I guarantee that it will take you longer to find it, than for me to open a new tab, do what I need to do, and close it. While you're still hunting it down.


I was researching a different item today on Amazon. Not computer related, but that does not matter.

$600 part.
50 reviews.
6% of those 50 were 1 Star.
Why? Bad shipping.
Nothing wrong with the thing...just that the person did not agree with how it was shipped, or that the USP driver dropped it, or that the FEDEX truck broke down and it was a day late.

Useless reviews.

Amazon ratings are bad because they tell literally nothing about the actual speed of a processor.

CPUs have such a low failure rate anyway, and the RMA policies are pretty good.

Hell, you might find the CPU with the most 5 star ratings is a 5 year old AMD APU, which is absolutely not going to cut it.

Go with actual benchmarks when choosing a CPU.
leaning towards just getting a pre-built itx

any recommendations? 16g ram at least, 25-50+ ssd, that's all i can think of

good options for pre-built itx? im look into them. any os, doesnt seem to matter
or a well-designed laptop that is very low heat

dont know if they exist

current laptop is regular and is 85c with nothing much open

so it seems like almost laptops are badly designed

so think pre-built itx would be the best option
what's the key reasons you feel prebuilts are bad options

this way your thought could be understood

do you think there's no good options out there in 2017? still?

what kind of society are we living in if this is the case
a capitalist one, where you are paying people money for their offices, insurance, training, knowledge, scrap, time and effort. Building it yourself you take on all of those costs and charge yourself 0 for them.

A few months ago, there was a guy here requesting opinion on a particular "prebuilt". $2,400.

Not a bad system. However...dissecting the exact parts list....including the OS, peripherals...with parts from major retailers. Amazon, Newegg, etc.

You'd be paying them $600 for mediocre assembly.
AJH, here, providing a completely ON-POINT, REAL ANSWER TO THE POSTED QUESTION:

Okay, here's a few real resolutions and answers from someone who actually uses chrome tabs and browsing the same way you do and had the exact same problem with my old laptop.

So I had all the same issues as you on my old system, got a new one, and spent a lot of time monitoring the app's usage in Task manager (over the past several years) and these are my conclusions:

Basically, RAM is the single most important feature. Then CPU, and lastly your GPU (which doesn't really matter at all).

You NEED minimum 32 GB RAM. Chrome eats RAM more than anything else. My new system has 32 GB, but I'm consistently riding 16 GB usage with a couple-hundred tabs open (all different content- my usual browsing usage). So if you only get 16GB you won't have room for other processes and also when you load chrome it will probably crash if you have it starting your entire tab history/previous browsing session (like I do). - Please note that this usage is WITH the extension I suggest (below) running.

A multiple-core system is a must since chrome really takes advantage of multi-threading capabilities unlike some programs, but something like an 8th gen i7 is definitely overkill (I'm running that on my new system and chrome can't even dent it - it's only using a measly 2-6% of my CPU on average). I know it's a generous range, but my old laptop was a duo core which definitely isn't enough since my normal chrome usage on it ate 37 - 100% of my CPU usage on average- crashing consistently upon startup when loading large sessions). I'd say an i5 would perform decently and be the most budget-friendly CPU to handle this kind of chrome usage.

Install "The Great Suspender" (chrome extension) - normally I'd advise you to uninstall un-needed extensions since they tax your usage of chrome most, but this one simply saves your RAM and CPU by not keeping every single tab loaded all the time. You won't lose any info that you've loaded into forms since it recognizes those and doesn't suspend them, but other tabs that are inactive will simply "un-load" and refresh when you come back to them. Plus you can customize the extension to never "suspend" tabs from certain sites of your choosing. Definitely a life-saver and a better solution that most people's advice which is simply, "just don't use that many tabs!" Note - ironically, "The Great Suspender" does cost a fair chunk of RAM to run, but pales in comparison to other chrome extensions, incognito tabs (my next point discussed below), and is definitely worth it for how much it saves you in RAM usage if you had all your tabs fully-loaded like usual.

Next piece of advice, NEVER use chrome's incognito tabs or windows unless you absolutely need them and then only use them for that specific duration and close them immediately. I recently discovered when chrome managed to throttle it's CPU usage of my amazingly spec-ed out new desktop to 100% (and keep it there) that the incognito tabs were sucking a horrific amount of my CPU's power. I only had 7 open at the time, and it was only when I shut down all but 2 or 3 that my CPU usage stabilized to something not resembling cardiac arrest.

Lastly, get friendly with chrome's task manager (shortcut is shift+escape on the keyboard or you can right click on an empty space, provided you have one, to the right of your tabs on the top bar of chrome) which will let you know exactly what pages and extensions you have open that are taxing your system the most. Click on the columns to sort by CPU or Memory usage and decide if you really want that one extension you installed on a lark and never used again that is running your RAM and CPU into the ground, and find out for good if you can take most of the load off by tweaking one or two things about how you browse. Worked for me!

Good luck, and I'm sure that will help!

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