
Aug 2, 2008
Probably a question that has been asked 100,000 times, sorry for that.

But Im going pick up a new HDTV soon, mainly for 360/PS3 use. I'll probably get 32'' and either a Samsung,Sony or Panasonic.

My first question is, is it worth getting 1080p over 720p when its a 32'' screen?

Secondly we all know the 360 and PS3 cant handle 1080p native games, hell they suffer with 720p(COD4,MGS4,HALO3,GTA4 ect) all well under 720p.

So would getting a 1080p telly be worthless, as Id probably use 720p for ps3(hdmi) and 1360*768 for 360(VGA) instead of 1080p.

And I presume since I have normal SD cable telly channels that they would look even worse then 720p?

The only thing I could use it for would be my PC via VGA or HDMI, but Hardly worth a price difference just for that, I dont think.



Jan 17, 2006
It's simple really. If you plan on watching Blu-ray flix on the PS3, then go 1080p. If not, save the money with 720p and buy an extra game or two.


Aug 12, 2008

If it's mainly for 360/P3, then no, very few games actually are 1080p. For that, if you are only really doing that, get a cheap 720p (these games actually don't even really play at that truly either, very few titles are actually 720p or 1080p--these resolutions are way too high for these machines to handle smoothly, which is why games aren't released with that in mind, because they want everyone to play them flawlessly and not get negative backlash from the market). So from a gaming perspective on the console, there's no reason to get a 720p or 1080p TV for the hundreds to thousands it will cost.

However, I will still recommend a good 1080p TV. My reasoning is that while you mainly will use it for gaming, it's a display you will likely use for years, years, years. You'll eventually have new consoles, new machines, new whatever to hook to it and everything is going up on resolution/quality, so the 1080p will get used eventually. Plus, if you ever do get into PC on the TV, you'll absolutely love 1080p capability. I play a lot of my games from my PC on my 42" 1080p tv (and I can set the res to 1920x1080 so 1080p is actually used). I run my dvds this way, I play my games this way, etc. Since the res is high, I can even browse the web and use it as a monitor when I feel like being on the couch with a wireless keyboard setup (with my logitech MX AIR mouse too!).

So if you're gonna drop the green on a TV. Get one that will be useful in the future too. Go 1080p and make sure you have plenty of connections to plug things into for all your future devices too. It's actually not that more expensive if you really compare. And consider that soon more and more things will be moving towards 1080p. Do you want to swallow the cost of a new machine (console for example) and a TV less than 1080p for the future twice? Get 1080p now. It's not that much more pricey. And it does everything below 1080p, so it doesn't hurt to be prepared.

Very best,


Aug 16, 2006
At 32", if there is a significant price difference between a 1080p and a 720p television, just get the 720p. With a screen of that size, you won't even notice a difference.