[citation][nom]amk-aka-phantom[/nom]If this really works, this is great. I'm not a fan of solar panels since they're expensive, inefficient and ugly (I'm for nuclear energy), but this is one observant kid. We just talked about Fibonacci sequence with a friend a week ago and it's amazing how nature uses it everywhere. Looks like we can, too.Somehow thought the same, too Still, Fibonacci sequence is amazing.[/citation]
i dont support current nuclear technology , nuclear fission is dnagerous , expensive , and generally a bad ideal in many ares (don't have to look further than japan for an example).
not to forget nuclear fission reactors do create radioactive waste products , spent fuel rods , and irradiated cooling lquid (usualy water).
now if we ever got Cold Fussion working that i'd support that. since it produces no waste , and ther is no danger of an atomic blast if it destabilizes. but currently cold fussion is out of our technological grasp , even hot fussion reactors can only be kept stable for about 4 seconds right now so hot fussion is not even an option at this time either.